Manifest v3 was why I switched to FF a while ago - it was going to only be a matter of time even with the delays so I figured I should switch early. I still like how chrome looks a lot more and wish we had tab grouping, but google can take uBO from my cold, dead hands.
ice car | electric car
train? ❌️ | ❌️
simple as.
why are people mad? My socks are always getting holes in them plus it's extra nice if you get cute socks with designs on them!
Americans usually label the small crunchy ones as pretzels and the big real ones as "soft pretzels" when the former is (apparently) an abomination
🔫️ Always have been
probably because of infrastructure. electric charging stations were one of the first around and if you ask a new car buyer to choose between two renewable fuel sources, they'll chose the one with the most stations. In the US at lease, hydrogen stations have always been few and far between, and often quite pricey.
I won't buy a phone without it. Currently on a Pixel 5a 5g
capitalism can't solve climate change :(
I mean there's not much anyone can do about it. I tend not to worry - I've never been on that part of youtube and stressing about it just means stressing about another thing totally outside of your control.
"Buy my $80 course to learn how you can waste even more money!"
good ol' capitalism, corporations need ever growing profits