It's common for gross American men to rate women on a scale of 1-10 for hotness. The joke is that Trump doesn't think the lady of liberty is very attractive.
There absolutely are Americans who get insulted when you make fun of Trump, you can meet them at any Trump rally. I'd also point out, Trump insulted the PM and the entirety of Canada.
¿Por que no los dos?
I used to think that all the times I had to survive drowning were unique, until I met my coworker who almost drowned to death in the same wavepool as me, despite us growing up in two seperate states a few hundred miles apart.
I still hope drowning three times is fairly uncommon, but at least one of those pools is just hella dangerous I guess.
As long as there's a chance of revolution, I'll stay alive to see it. I don't see a reason to take my own life when I'll soon have an opportunity to give it willingly.
Democracy already died, and it died under a Democrat. We've been a true plutocracy since Citizen's United v FEC. What actually would happen is the Democrats would defend the plutocracy until the Republicans inevitably win an election because they take advantage of people's hatred of our situation.
Wow, I didn't know you took your title so seriously, Dumbest Man on Earth.
Am I trapped in an unrelated time loop that I need to learn the rules of to escape, or am I trapped in literal Groundhog Day? because I know how to escape Groundhog Day, and could just have all my fun from a time loop before leaving. If it's an unrelated time loop... I think I'd prefer Truman Show. It's creepier, but it has a firm ending point. I can get freedom through death. With a time loop, there's a serious chance I could be trapped in it forever, unable to find a way to escape, unable to die.
It would be a whole lot cooler if we had actual dragons hoarding all this, as opposed to metaphorical ones.
The bottom is kinda falling out of the market and investors have dried up, largely because AAA has had too many extremely costly fuck-ups recently. Now the whole sector is looking bad, and it's been trickling down into impacting the ability for AA studios and indie teams to find funding for their projects.
Actual answer: because femboys and mtfs have a lot of overlap in our fashion and make-up tips.
It's probably not Photoshop, I see shit like this all the time on light posts in my city. There's a really great one near me that breaks down why our police are awful, and asks for nobody to join the department. Pretty important, since the police have been desperately trying to hire for months.
Also saw one that was just Deny, Defend, Depose, very similar style to this one, but black text on red. I imagine it was a local anarchist's work.