
joined 2 years ago
[–] Sas 1 points 2 days ago

As an autist: thank you 💜 I still see this kind of mocking way too often

[–] Sas 18 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (1 children)

Yes there is. I'd probably never have found out about variant Sudoku without Cracking the Cryptic. I get valuable rock climbing tips from professional climbers and coaches on YouTube and employ them often successfully in the climbing gym. I learn about weird weapons from that blacksmith guy that i can use in my TTRPGs and that's not even taking about the science channels.

Of course if you don't curate your subscribed channels and just browse home it's probably gonna suck and be full of clickbait

[–] Sas 8 points 4 days ago

Is it "fuck you got mine" when you're already burned out from work and your uncle that you don't like asks you to unfuck his computer for free? You buy little pastries because you get a guest and your mom taught you well, spend 3 hours unfucking his PC that his new stepchildren fucked and all you get in return is a k thanks bye. And a few months later you get the request to unfuck his PC again and sit there like "why would I do that?".

[–] Sas 2 points 4 days ago

Yeah, you sure showed those genocidal dems by.. checks notes.. causing genocide on queer people and immigrants in the US and furthering the genocide in Gaza?

[–] Sas 4 points 5 days ago

Likewise do not pursue people that go over their partners wishes and open up their relationship without consent. That's cheating and if you actually end up together it is very likely that you're gonna get cheated on and your consent on such things will probably be disrespected.

I'd recommend to take this as a learning experience and am sorry that it happened to you. I know that if I crush on someone I'd probably go against the things I preach as well but that's unhealthy.

[–] Sas 2 points 5 days ago

If the law is made to protect the rich scumbag upending your democracy I'd say breaking the law is the moral thing to do.

[–] Sas 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

We will but the interface used to full dive will be used to influence your thoughts and getting you to buy stuff

[–] Sas 2 points 3 weeks ago

The problem that runs into is that afaik even with the not as undeniable proofs the US is using atm the death penalty costs them more than paying for the living expenses of the suspect. And that is nothing to speak of no proof being undeniable enough.

[–] Sas 4 points 4 weeks ago

Ich hätte mich fast übergeben aber so unterscheiden sich Menschen halt

[–] Sas 3 points 4 weeks ago

I mean he gave a dick head so...

[–] Sas 6 points 4 weeks ago

So i never brought that term into a connection with trans women and it really doesn't fit. It's the Japanese term for hermaphrodite and is made up of the kanji for two and shape. Fairly sure to qualify as that you'd have to have two primary sexual organs.

I'd agree with people here that in the west it's only a fetish term and quite disgusting to use on a person (intersex, trans or whatever) without their consent

[–] Sas 12 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Because someone told them that it's an outrageous thing they should get upset about. Divide and conquer.


Well I told y'all about the coworker that I might be crushing on. She dropped today in a conversation that she has a boyfriend and I feel crushed. I think I'm gonna befriend her anyways because I'm mostly ace so differentiating between crush and friendly affection is not that easy for me and we vibe really well after all. I'm like an excited puppy around a bunch of people anyways and most of them I don't have any romantic feelings for so who knows, I might just be generally happy around her without romance involved anyways.

Crush at work? (self.lesbians)

Gals I'm in trouble. Some co-workers and I went to a sporty after work event on Friday and one of them i really vibe well with.

So anyways as a bunch of people start to leave we kinda move to the side as our muscles are also done for the day and get into some deep talk about some worries that have been plaguing her.

At some point we both kinda move to go so we get moving into the changing rooms while taking the whole time. At some point I compliment her charisma and she thanks me in a cute shy tone (you never see her being shy at work). We move out and know that we won't be taking the same train. Her's actually just moves in to the station and she ignores it kinda and just keeps walking with me to a later station as my train doesn't drive from that location.

The talk moves to me as well and my deeper problems and motivations and what not. Anyways as we get to the stop both our trains depart from we keep talking while waiting.

As my train is like a minute from arriving she does a thing that I kept thinking about the whole weekend: she asks really shyly if it is ok with me if she also hops into my train for the 2 stops until our lines split. Idk I could see and feel from her voice how she didn't want our talk to end and my heart just melted. She hopped into my train for the 2 stops and then got out as planned as she had a later meetup with a friend of hers that was already planned way in advance.

Idk I'm sure I'm overthinking things and also I keep hearing how you're not supposed to date people from your workplace.. but I felt drawn to her from the moment we met for the first time and her going out of her way to spend more time with me makes me quite giddy right now 😖

Idk I kinda needed to share this with y'all


I'm currently wondering what to do if my favourite recipes go offline or if my mom's special traditional dish where i have the recipe in written form gets lost. Do you have a (preferably FOSS) app to store such recipes? I'm currently trying Cooky which is FOSS but is difficult to use for cooking: you can't really group cooking steps well and when cooking a recipe you can only view one step at a time unless you're editing the recipe. I like however that you can tag the dishes so it's easier to find specific stuff like vegan or spicy dishes.

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