
joined 3 days ago
[–] 1 points 4 days ago (2 children)

I wonder just how far down the road they think they'll get. The 'little free libraries' and ebooks, legal or less than, would be near impossible for them to push this show onto.

Information will be free, like it or not the stories will be told and you can't do a damn thing about it.

The whole concept of corporations as distinct eternal entities could use a reworking. From copyright, to liability, to corporate 'speech', it all shields to interests of the well heeled from responsibility for their actions. Some level of separation from an individual is needed or no small business would ever date take the risk of starting up, but at a certain point somebody needs to own the actions of it. How we define that is beyond me, but for now I'd take removing non-breathing entities from the voting pool and political funding as a start.

Zuchowski followed up to his own Facebook post last week, saying his comments “may have been a little misinterpreted??”

Really, I'd love to see the gymnastics involved to explain how he meant for it to be interpreted...

[–] 3 points 5 days ago (2 children)

They as a candidate don't, the campaign as a whole is important to support though. Particularly if it can be shown that the funds come from small doners it shows popular support. I would rather see a crowd funded candidate with millions of $5 donations than a handful of super-pacs funneling dark money into it. It's exactly the kind of problem that citizens United caused that we need to revert to show the popular will of the people.

There are some use cases other than web page compatibility. One for me is in dealing with firewall and proxy policy, if the agent is a browser and comes in on specified explicit ports then force authentication, things of that nature.

[–] 7 points 1 week ago (2 children)

How does one get elected head of the most historic, blue-collar, working class unions and think 'maybe that guy shitting on golden toilets and his contractors has something going for him...' ?

Then when the 5th largest economy in the world decides they don't feel like playing with you anymore you get to find out what a budget deficit really means.

He knows just how badly she was able to pull his strings and play him like a puppet. Time and time again. The bit with poking at his rallys was priceless to see.

So much as I would like to keep religion out of the libraries, supporting a ban of any given one makes me no better than the zealots trying to censor books elsewhere.

Put in with the rest of the fiction section and let people read it as they wish. Some may have a section for religious texts, but separating it out that way gives an air of legitimacy and plausibility not really due it.

There are a couple places out here in the corn fields that prominently plaster big orange all over their business. Now from everything I know this is the most red district in MN (6th who sent Michelle Bachman years back) so maybe more their home base, but I could never figure why risk pushing out half you patrons to promote someone who won't give a damn about you? You're not going to gain anyone coming in for it, but you could damn well loose a bunch.

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

I'm going to try one more time here...

Nobody said 'deny' at any point in this exchange. The OP said mandatory/compulsory, aka force them to do so.

Deny and compel are NOT the same thing, they are in fact functionally the opposite each other.

What point is there to compel someone who self-selects as lacking in knowledge/interest in the process. You waste time and resources for the voter, the process administrators, enforcement personnel, everyone any anyone involved including the willing and eager participants by creating longer lines and a wasting their tax funds just to satisfy a mandate by having Cleatus write 'fuck you' on a ballot.

If that is too complicated to understand I can't help you.

One of the few places it could be posted on Lemmy without being down voted to the abyss, but only because it can't be.

Ally in training... (
submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by to c/lgbtq_plus

Hey all,

So I'm looking to take an active step here to understand better some things that my straight/white/cis/middle-aged male brain has had a tough time wrapping itself around, particularly in the gender identity front.

I'm working from the understanding of physical sex as the bio-bits and the expressed identity as being separate things, so that part is easy enough.

What's confusing to me though is like this. If we take gender as being an expression of your persona, a set of traits that define one as male, female, or some combination of both then what function does a title/pronoun serve? To assume that some things are masculine or feminine traits seems to put unneeded rigidity to things.

We've had men or women who enjoy things traditionally associated with the other gender for as long as there have been people I expect. If that's the case then what purpose does the need for a gender title serve?

I'll admit personally questioning some things like fairness in cis/trans integrated sports, but that's outside what I'm asking here. Some things like bathroom laws are just society needing to get over itself in thinking our personal parts are all that special.

Certainly not trying to stir up any fights, just trying to get some input from people that have a different life experience than myself. Is it really as simple as a preferred title?

Edit: Just wanted to take a second to thank all the people here who took the time to write some truly extensive thoughts and explanations, even getting into some full on citation-laden studies into neurology that'll give me plenty to digest. You all have shown a great deal of patience with me updating some thinking from the bio/social teachings of 20+ years back. 🙂

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