Enjoy this cool weather people! It's the coolest one we will have going forward.
This is in fact what's wrong with all of it. Our safety simply is NEVER the prime goal of any company. It's money. And with these groups like LineagOS it's the user again.
Ok, dus we gaan nu eens kijken naar Dilan Yeşilgöz-Zegerius, die mij een uitstekende politica lijkt (https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dilan_Ye%C5%9Filg%C3%B6z-Zegerius). Ik ben blij met haar pro kernenergie en LHBT houding. Maar heel eerlijk, ik weet nog niet veel van haar.
Weten mensen hier, meer over haar politiek?
This ad is more proof the US needs to step up it's game with education.
My wife cannot say enough good things about my nutsac. Holds everything we need while on the road.
I've got the larger 13" nutsac, which does impress everyone who sees it.
No it turns off as soon as you take the battery out ;-) All in all no more then 20 seonds, including starting back up (10 seconds for just replacing the battery). I don't mind it. Especially since now I do not have to carry a larger powerbank and cable.
So I'm from the Netherlands. My wife and I have this phone. We also have the framework laptop and "repeat audio" headphones (https://repeat.audio/, which are also repairable)
After owning and breaking a few phones and apparal that I could not fix, was hard to get serviced, and got stuck with repair bills I was done. Plus, I'm in a well-paying job (IT) so I figured; if anyone is capable of voting with my money, it's me.
I did install lineageos, and I use Linux on my frameworks. But the phone is simply wonderfull! I have an extra battery in my nutsack (https://nutsac.com/) so when I need it, I can swap battery's in like 10 seconds and continue my day with a full battery (https://shop.fairphone.com/shop/fairphone-4-battery-22?category=4#attr=)
My wife already broke the screen ;-) which was a 5 minute job to switch with simple tools. Absolutely wonderfull
In plaats daarvan is er een plan om tijdens de spits het OV juist duurder te maken...
Debian user here. Both for my servers and my desktops.
I develop for companies, and the tools of my trade are just easier to use on a linux machine. I could not get used to doing it from a windows machine, even with WSL. It's just not the same / not easy enough.
I gave up hibernation, so I could have encrypted harddrive (With all those company stuff, it just makes more sense), I gave up fingerprint scanners in favor of passwords. But I got back speed and ease of working. I'd make that trade any day.
A great keyboard, a good mouse, a laaaaaarge mouse pad.
I use those things throughout most of the day, why not make it enjoyable.
splinter cell: Chaos theory.
Good lord that was awesome.
Enjoy this cool weather people! It's the coolest one we will have going forward.