My eyes AND brain are vomiting all over the place.
Damn, the only people I want to share this with who would understand it, would be offended.
Yeah but can I just be either one whenever I feel like?
I'd rather do that.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know your trigger was s*y milk, do you need a safe space to calm down before facing the big scary coffee shop again?"
A proper response to someone giving you shit about soy milk or almond milk or any other type.
Or anyone who parrots Republicans and their AnTi-wOkEnEsS lines.
Every time I hear someone complain about a single tiny piece of plastic on the ground or someone uses slightly more than needed cling wrap, all I can think of is the couple of warehouses I used to work in a couple jobs ago.
Everything comes on pallets wrapped in about a dozen layers of cling wrap. 8-10ft tall pallets.
Every box gets opened, the items pulled out of a large plastic bag, each item wrapped in its own plastic bag.
Those items get put in other boxes, stacked on a different pallet, and wrapped in another dozen layers of plastic wrap.
The pallets get moved to a temporary spot for a few hours, then someone comes up and curs all the wrap off. Moves the boxes onto 4 other pallets, and each of those goes to a separate forklift driver who puts them on shelves.
When the item leaves, it's placed in plastic bags, then a box, then goes on a pallet that gers wrapped in a dozen layers of plastic wrap. Onto the truck for shipping elsewhere.
They have a truck that comes twice a day to replace a shipping container filled with plastic.
So much plastic, every day, all day, they only close for Christmas and 4th of July.
Am I still going to use anything but plastic wherever possible? Sure. Am I still going to pick up that piece of plastic and put it in the recycling bin? Absolutely.
Companies suck and will blame you for their shitty treatment just like every abuser does.
I'd bet it's not immune to small pellets of lead or steel flying towards it at around 1000fps.
Or a rock.
I'm less accurate with the rock though...
This is one of those articles that would have made me go "WOAH, that's so cool, the future will be awesome!" like 15 years ago...
Now it just makes me wonder "how long before someone uses it to hunt down their favorite target demographic for arrest/deportation/extermination" for a split second before I remember "if this is what we are seeing as the public, then someone is definitely already doing that"
Can't wait to see the wapo articles praising the musk drone defense network for flushing out the undesirables from [area] and only having a 20% false positive rate of elimination.
Before I even read: it's phishing, and it's nothing new. There's no evidence supporting anyone has broken this level of E2EE.
After reading: oh look. Surprise. This is my surprised face.
This just screams of "we want backdoors to be forced into encrypted things so we have even more control"
I legitimately expect there to be something negative about unions in it. Whether it's a "corrupt union boss" or a union strike blamed for something bad happening.
This is why I occasionally watch Bing bong theorem.
It's garbage, it's offensive to several groups of people (some more than others), and it has a laugh track.
By all my standards, it's garbage, with garbage characters played by( a couple) garbage people actors, and half the time it's not funny at all, not just "not as funny as it thinks it is"
But.... I still like to watch an episode here or there.
Don't get me started on all the people who tell me I should love it because I'm a nerd and I "like space". Usually these people don't understand why the "smart" jokes aren't actually smart and usually they're giving just enough of a "you need basic education to understand this" so that when the average viewer understands it, they can feel good about themselves for being oh so smart and understanding all that nerd stuff.
And of course you can't bring any of that up without sounding like a pretentious douche who wants people to think they're smarter than they are.
So uh... Hi, I guess I'm a pretentious douche. IM SMRT
Like what you like, fuck the h8rz.
maximally profitable game
See, it really is just an algorithm that can be nailed down perfectly, and I've got an entire floor of statisticians and market analysts that agree it'll make me berjillions!!!1!!
Lpt: they're also telling me more statisticians and market analysts will help boost my numbers too! Jackpot!
-an executive, somewhere, in nearly every corporate office
But one day they might be the one on top! And it will be because they worked hard and deserve it!
My favorite thing is seeing attempted memes of "this is the future the left wants with socialism/communism/anticapitalism" and.... It's literally just a picture of regular old capitalism making sure certain people get the worst of it. Usually houseless camping hotspots, and slums that supply larger wealthier areas with their luxuries and labor.
The last time I used skype, it was to monitor my 3d print because I needed to finish a project and my last attempt went all spaghetti.
So as I was at work I'd log into my computer from my phone, call myself with skype, and check to make sure everything was still okay.
Then I discovered octoprint.