My parents were away in Flordia visiting some family while they still could so I had the house to myself. It was wonderful. No tv noises, no news, no political talk, no constant misunderstanding/misinterpreting each other. It was peaceful. They got back last Saturday so it's back to the same old routine.
I also had a vasectomy while they were gone so it was nice to have some quiet time while I recovered. The pain is practically gone now and soon I'll forget it even happened. Happy to have gotten it done. Feels like a lifelong weight had been lifted off my back.
The birds are starting to return. I can hear the mourning doves in the morning now. I'm looking forward to the return of our pigeon family that like to nest in our balcony planters. They've been returning for years now and we think the children have also started nesting in our other planters. Thankfully they are super chill around us so they usually just watch us when we are out on the balcony.