
joined 2 years ago
[–] Powderhorn 3 points 11 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago)

I was sent to a conference for college journalists at U.Ga. in 2000. In the goodie bag was a copy of a prof's book, When MBAs Run the Newsroom. Let's just say he wasn't off.

Distancing admin from ops while letting people with no actual knowledge of the field run the show ends poorly no matter what field you're in. I mean, it's so obvious as to be insulting to even point out.

[–] Powderhorn 4 points 13 hours ago

Another week of having things look up and then not going anywhere. I think I have a trajectory; this would not be the first time the timing was off. So now I await whether I run out of money or not. Historically, the universe steps in on deadline.

[–] Powderhorn 4 points 14 hours ago (1 children)

Always at war with Eastasia.


His stuff is always excellent, but this really stood out an an explanation for something I've always been curious about, as well as how technological advances are actually making the problem worse.


I sort of figured S&P would deliver the first blow with a credit downgrade. This is not a list one wants their country on.

[–] Powderhorn 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

There are two problems here, fitting for the Second.

First, the people stocked with ammo are the ones thrilled that we're in the Fourth Reich. Second, any sort of widespread uprising will let use of the Insurrection Act sail through any hurdles, and now the military is being used internally.

The Constitution is not in play at this point. Second is the only thing being defended by the junta.

[–] Powderhorn 8 points 1 day ago

You win the internet today.

[–] Powderhorn 6 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Isn't IBM at this point a consulting firm toying with hardware?

[–] Powderhorn 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Yeah, I've (3 seconds later) uh ... the real fun part is when you get the echo of your own voice just off enough to make it impossible to keep your train of thought.

[–] Powderhorn 2 points 1 day ago (4 children)

I have thick enough skin to usually let comments like this slide, but if you believe treating Beehaw users like this is appropriate, this may not be a good forum for participation.

[–] Powderhorn 2 points 1 day ago

These are important questions that we should be discussing as a society. But as you point out, people are so worn down, exhausted from work, that all we generally do is worry about the bottom of Maslow, with little energy left for anything else. This is by design, and it's working.

[–] Powderhorn 1 points 1 day ago

Which is all well and good but changes nothing about Forbes. Why not, armed with this new information, update your post to make my comment look irrelevant by sourcing something reputable?

[–] Powderhorn 4 points 1 day ago (6 children)

I get that you don't live here, but there's nothing like a national initiative process for amendments. That you would like there to be reflects a likely majority view of the voter base, but this does not make it so.

If you're referring to the 14th, that was shredded already. The Constitution is irrelevant to the junta, as juntas are wont to do. Voting harder in a mythical election that can't happen is simply not an option.

I would encourage you to know about the U.S. Constitution before spouting off about it. I don't wander into Canadian politics because I don't know how it works and can admit that.


I wasn't exactly sure where to put this as analysis. Hopefully it fits here.

Buckle in; it's 45 minutes but very helpful to understand where we're at. I was linked on the local Discord and had never heard of this channel, but it's now a new subscription.

[–] Powderhorn 26 points 1 day ago (3 children)

He's not wrong. Getting to 18A was ambitious and happened, after the 14nm fiasco. We don't yet have products in the wild, but Gelsinger refocused a chip manufacturer on chip manufacturing (the necessary TSMC outsourcing notwithstanding).

An MBA would not be an improvement over an engineer.


This is a somewhat interesting look at, like, how seemingly useless words outside of context function.

Move Fast and Destroy Democracy (www.theatlantic.com)
submitted 1 day ago by Powderhorn to c/politics

Yeah, more good news.


Great. Just great.


Growing up in Arizona (little fluffy clouds), this unnecessary twice-a-year routine is still baffling.

submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by Powderhorn to c/chat

Did Weaver try to grow corn?

by Peter Hahnloser

The Daily of the University of Washington

May 18, 2000

I'm sure you've been losing sleep all week, waiting for the next issue of The Daily to come out so you can see if Jasmin Weaver actually doctored the photo on her flyer or if it was just cropped. With complex issues such as this, all the facts can never come to light at once, and with each explanation we get one step closer to the truth.

Clearly, the question is what "doctored" and "cropped" mean. This is certainly a valid question -- our president showed us the vagueness of the word "is" just over two years ago.

And both "doctored" and "cropped" are far longer words, not to mention conjugated for the past tense.

I decided to do some good, old-fashioned snooping around the office earlier this week to see if I could shed some light on the issue, and was surprised at what I discovered. Now, I know I went a bit overboard when I actually checked a dictionary, but I think I'm on to something.

First, the latest quote from Weaver on the subject: "I don't think what I did was anything other than cropping." And, to explain her position, she also said, "'Doctored' really means to me 'to cut and paste in' ... [Cropping means] modifying something to clarify."

As a graphic designer, I was, at first, somewhat wary of these definitions. The cropping tool in Photoshop has never inadvertently erased people and replaced them with a gaudy wallpaper pattern in a photo I've ever used it on -- nor, for that matter, has it removed half of someone's hair. But I had to give her the benefit of the doubt -- perhaps Photoshop doesn't like people sitting behind Gary Locke.

Working off this theory, I referenced the Photoshop 5.0 user's guide, which had the following to say: "To crop an image using the Crop command: Use the rectangle marquee tool to select the part of the image you want to keep." It was a dead end -- there was nothing there about Gary Locke, and the index didn't mention him either.

But we presume people innocent until they're proven guilty, and my two years of professional experience and the technical writers at Adobe might both have been off, so I needed something to prove her wrong beyond the shadow of a doubt. The dozen or so people I spoke with on the subject all concurred with my gut reaction but it still wasn't enough.

At wits' end, I looked for a dictionary that might help me in my quest for truth. And I stumbled upon Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, which happens to be an official reference for the Associated Press. But that was a mere trifle -- clearly, if it's collegiate, it's perfect for answering this specific question.

The easiest way to research this without bias was in alphabetical order. So, I first hunted down "cropped" and found that it was the past tense of "crop." There were a number of verb definitions, which suggested to me that perhaps I hadn't been considering the appropriate one.

The first definition was "to remove the upper or outer parts of." This certainly didn't apply, so I moved on to "to cut off short." While this applied to half of Weaver's hair, I figured this was more of a concern for her stylist. Next came "to cause (land) to bear a crop," which might have applied to the flyer if Weaver's campaign platform had been, "We must grow corn in abundance on the HUB lawn."

It would have been a noble idea, but she apparently decided that the UW's crop yield was sufficient in its current state, so that definition did me no good, either. "To grow as a crop" was equally useless, as were the last three: "to feed by cropping something," "to yield or make up a crop" and "to appear unexpectedly or casually." I hadn't been expecting her flyers to appear, so this seemed the answer until I again realized that the issue was not the flyer but the photo, which she was not dressed casually in.

Clearly, the photo had not been "cropped."

I moved on to "doctored," which suffered from the same affliction as "cropped" -- namely, its tense. "Doctor" had six definitions as a verb. First was "to give medical treatment to." Nope. "To restore to good condition" didn't seem right either, but I hit paydirt with the next one: "to adapt or modify for a desired end by alteration or special treatment."

This sounded dead on. Noah Purcell explained to The Daily that the other people in the shot were removed for "logistical" purposes - which sounds to me like modification "for a desired end."

To be fair, I checked the remaining definitions or "doctor." "To alter deceptively" was too slanted to be applicable, while "to practice medicine" and "to take medicine" were both totally irrelevant. And that was all Webster's had to say on the subject.

So I concluded that the photo was doctored, not cropped, and was satisfied by the evidence given to me.

But don't worry, I'll reconsider my stance the very first time cropping a photo produces a suspicious rubber-stamp-like wallpaper effect in one of my photos or removes hair from a subject.

Or if the HUB lawn produces corn this fall.


It has begun.

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