Happy belated! Hopefully you're able to reschedule birthday dinner.
Ahh, I love Saint Vincent.
Yeah, my partner's new job is with HUD... Who knows how that's gonna go.
Absentee is the way to go! It's so nice being able to fill out my ballot as I research the weirdly worded state or city ballot measures that were off my radar from the comfort of my own couch.
Happy birthday to you!
Dropped off my absentee ballot earlier today.
Update on Linus (our kitty who experienced kidney failure last week): Last I posted we were waiting to find out how much his numbers had gone up. It turns out his creatine went up quite a bit. It was over 3, when normally it should be 1.5 or lower. The vet said at this point it's possible it could go back down (he didn't seem optimistic about this), stay the same, or go up more. We're taking him in again on Thursday to see what it is then. If it stays the same, we probably only have about two or three years left with him if we keep him on a renal diet.
He has a lot of his personality back and has his full appetite back (yesterday was the first time he ate his usual amount of food since he's been hospitalized), but his energy level is definitely lower than it was before.
I'm not sure anyone was offended. TIL overweight British women in sequins was some sort of meme. I think most people were genuinely confused.
Are gals allowed to answer? I would kneel down before her.
It's looking like he might be okay. We were able to take him home last night. The emergency vet said they've never seen a cat bounce back like he has. They can't find any underlying causes, so they think it must have been an acute episode. If only we knew what caused it.
We had friends staying with us a couple of weeks ago with their toddler, and they did cut up grapes for her to eat several times, which is one of the things on the list. So maybe she dropped one and it went under a piece of furniture and he just recently found it? It was even more unlikely that he'd been exposed to anything else on the list, so I don't know.
They had us bring him back today for a checkup to see how he's doing now that he's been off fluids for a day, and his numbers did go back up a bit, hopefully not too much. My partner is there with him now waiting for the vet to give him more details.
Our 5 year old cat is experiencing kidney failure, and we have no idea why. We can't think of a way he could have gotten access to any of the things on the list of substances that would cause that, and he's so young. They have him on fluids right now, but we're not sure if he's going to make it. His numbers were really bad.
Nice, where did you go?
Well if you have the opportunity to treat yourself at least, take it!