My pre-workout is equivalent to two cups, and I usually drink it around 5-5:30am. However I have no perception of time on my days off so for two days a week I drink random amounts of coffee all day forever. Sometimes I remember to get decaf.
It was OK I guess. Did some petsitting, made a little money, bought a new desk. Thought a less claustrophobic setup might help me get back into art. Then I read the news and I was like, literally who fucking cares? The chips in my drawing tablet are made by slaves and my PC is a tool for multiple spy companies. Countries I'll never visit are being decimated by capitalism to provide the fruits and veggies for my healthy diet that I'm supposed to eat to be less depressed.
The internet mocks me for calling my reps instead of overthrowing the government but none of them are overthrowing the government either.
This is selfish but I wish I'd die in a horrible accident so I at least don't continue being a cog in this machine.
Jesus, I'm sorry. I hope you're able to find treatment.
I have less money and customers are meaner, I guess? That's how literally every new development affects every working class person
People who seem too desperate for approval too soon after meeting, ie the person who asked if I thought they were "problematic" and "a bad person" for their taste in media after our first date.
Maybe it's because of my own mental health history, I have OCD and I've engaged in that behavior before too. If I'm with someone else who does it I'm liable to relapse and it turns into a two-person misery spiral. Maybe someone a little healthier could just reassure them and move on, but I'm not there yet.
Also, I don't date anyone who just got out of a relationship. Their ex will change their mind and take her back and I'll look stupid 😭
Personally I think that we need to make life happen locally regardless of what they do, but I understand if someone else thinks otherwise.
That's something we definitely agree on. I think our differences are basically semantic; I can't detangle the name and symbology of America from a structure I don't believe in, but I know that's not universal. At the end of the day we both care about our home and the people living here.
I'd want to pirate every drawing program I never got a chance to try, plus the fancier writing software. Gonna have a lot of time to learn both.
I've seen shockingly few movies and TV shows so maybe all the media I can get my hands on, too.
If you can, try to get to bed an hour earlier tonight. I do that when I lose track of my sleep schedule.
Good idea, thanks! Especially about the collar, I bought hers back before I even considered leash training, so it's not the most visible. It'd be helpful to have something reflective if she ever got away from me
Wasn't it Terry Pr⍺tchett who specifically put in his will that all of his unfinished works (on hard drives) were to be crushed with a steamroller?
People were so upset about that and I understand why, but creators are so dehumanized and treated as entertainment machines, I think being able to release or withhold your work on your own terms is so important.
I still feel really weird knowing that Kafka's writings were released against his wishes after he died. I can't even say it wasn't a net positive, and I know he's long dead so it doesn't really affect him, but it feels like people don't want artists or writers to be able to keep anything to themselves. We're not only entitled to everything they've already made, but everything they could potentially make. How many times have you heard people say "we were robbed" because a standalone work didn't get a sequel, or a TV show didn't get a dozen redundant seasons? Like if we like someone's work, we're owed more of it.
Yeah same, I live in a small town and in addition to marketplace, I need to check it every couple months to keep up with local events. My town has a website with a calendar but they never add anything besides "weight training at the senior center", no matter what else is going on
My beloved teaspoon... When I'm too lazy to fish the tablespoon out of my coffee tin and clean it... three teaspoons
I would truly starve to death if I didn't have a teaspoon