
joined 1 year ago
[–] Alice 2 points 1 day ago

My job won't stop playing this stupid pop song that has the exact same melody as Dragostea Din Tei. I think every day for the past several weeks I've been singing some nonsense combination of the two under my breath.

Let's make tonight the weekend, dar nu ma nu ma iei, I don't wanna waiiiiit

[–] Alice 1 points 3 days ago

I mean, sure, it's not like I died from crying

[–] Alice 1 points 3 days ago

They're dying in a lot of places. Malls still exist, but with the rise of online shopping, they're not worth putting in all the bells and whistles anymore. My local mall pretty sterile and dull. :(

[–] Alice 9 points 3 days ago

Do we have the same personality? Because I don't see why it would escalate to murder. I don't like violence.

I think most likely is we'd take turns going to work, and one of us would always get to stay home and procrastinate on chores. For some people that probably wouldn't work as the duplicate would point out they have no obligation to their original, but I have a million siblings so an obsession with fairness has been hard-coded into my brain. We would work the exact same amount of hours and split all our sweets perfectly evenly.

I think the big downside is that I'd probably have to stop going to the gym. Alternating days would effectively halve my progress, and I'm not buying twice as much protein power.

[–] Alice 2 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Idk, people who were safe in western states called me a doomer and got mad at me for my sadness being unproductive while a hurricane killing people and flattening neighboring towns. No one is an effective activist 100% of the time, maybe let people grieve for five seconds.

[–] Alice 3 points 4 days ago

Not even the worst but I'm amazed that a company exists that actually calls themselves Banana Republic and consumers were like, yes, this is good

[–] Alice 6 points 4 days ago

I'm on team OP with this one. My nails are too short and 50% of the time I get a can that doesn't play nice.

Either way I use a non-electric can opener since it's quiet. My cat recognizes the sound of these things.

[–] Alice 2 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Oh hey, I appreciate the info! Seems I misremembered. I actually attempted to double check before posting but kept getting wildly different numbers from different sources.

[–] Alice 11 points 5 days ago (4 children)

I heard a lot of "you survived the first time, it's fine," when he got reelected. Ah yes, that pandemic we all survived. The constant food recalls where none of us got sick. The uptick in gun violence that made all of us so safe and cozy. Not to mention the famously survivable ectopic pregnancies!

No big deal indeed.

[–] Alice 4 points 5 days ago

Visiting a buddy's crossfit gym. He's since left that gym so I imagine I'll never jump again.

[–] Alice 3 points 5 days ago

I wanna know what it feels like though :(

[–] Alice 4 points 5 days ago (3 children)

Vantablack isn't really paint, it's a coating of nanotubes the size of an atom. I wonder what that would feel like.


Title. I signed up for a queer speed dating event recently and I have no idea what to expect. Not really looking for a how-to guide, just curious about others' experiences. Was it fun, would you do it again, did you meet anyone cool... That sort of thing!


A paper published Monday in Nature Medicine found that the tiny fragments of plastic are passing the blood-brain barrier and into human brains, and the amount of microplastics in the brain appears to be increasing over time. The concentration of microplastics in analyzed brains rose by about 50 percent from 2016 to 2024.


Genuinely can't figure out how other people develop active social lives. The most common advice I get is to look on Meetup, but I found pretty much one group and while I had fun, halfway through the event they started making fun of liberals for not having friends. I'm genderqueer so that ain't gonna work out. Everything else on Meetup is scientology garbage.

I go out and do things on my own and try to be open to people who approach me, but on the rare occasion someone wants to talk to me it's because they're horny and they've mistaken me for a straight woman. I can be out in the mud picking up litter and someone will strike up a conversation about the environment, something I'm interested in, and it turns out it's because they think I'm doing this to get the D.

I'm getting crazy bored. Does everyone just work a 9-5 and then go home alone? Except for when they have sex with the occasional random straight man??

rule will pass (
submitted 3 months ago by Alice to c/

I tried /r/suicidewatch on that other site, but even though I made it clear that I was looking for advice and encouragement, the only two replies I got were in agreement that it doesn't get better. 😐 /r/depression is even worse by the look of it.

Does anyone know of any good websites, or is it the nature of all of them that they just turn into a crabs-in-the-bucket nightmare? I'm trying to get better but it also gets isolating pretending I'm not depressed all the time.


Never done this before, turned out to be a lot of fun :)


I'm 30 and horrible at keeping friends. I don't know if it's the unschooling or the autism, but I'm told I come across as hostile when I think I'm being nice.

I know the basics. I make eye contact but not too much, I ask people about themselves and their interests to show I'm interested, I don't dominate conversations with myself and my own interests. I try to be a nice person people might want to keep around, too— I give money when someone's in a pinch, I remember birthdays, I help move, et cetera.

Eventually people either people tell me I'm being a dick in ways I never realized, or more likely, they just eventually stop messaging me back.

The one thing I'm sure I struggle with is body language. I've read a lot that you need to mirror the other person's body language, but I don't know how to do that. Especially since I normally meet people at work and we're usually pushing big carts around and moving products and I'm just not thinking about my body as something expressive, just practical.

I'm sure I have many more blind spots that I'm not even aware of.

So like... are there classes for this? Some kind of specialized therapy? I don't really want to try anymore unless I can stop being a dick

file rule (
submitted 5 months ago by Alice to c/

‘Family values’ bill is adopted despite being denounced by the president, rights groups and the European Union.

Kesaria Abramidze, a trans model, was murdered the day after the bill passed. Even if the president vetos it, this law already has a body count.

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