
joined 2 years ago
[–] toothpicks 1 points 3 days ago

Ok I made it and it still tastes like chalk anyway. I'll see how long it lasts. I put some in the freezer too

[–] toothpicks 3 points 4 days ago

I guess so.

In my sphere of things it seemed like people had already moved to Master don so it just seemed baffling to me

[–] toothpicks 1 points 4 days ago

Ok thanks 😊

[–] toothpicks 32 points 4 days ago (17 children)

I was really confused when everyone suddenly jumped to Blue sky after the election? Why not mastodon? Made no sense to me at all.


My brown rice protein is kinda clumpy and needs something for flavor so I was thinking to blend it with frozen blueberries and almond milk. But I don't want to wash the blender every day. Can I make a concentrated version and keep it in the fridge for a few days? How long would it last?

[–] toothpicks 2 points 5 days ago (1 children)

So cool . Thanks for putting this together I'm hoping to give it a try!

[–] toothpicks 2 points 5 days ago

Hope you feel better. Someone needs to get me off Reddit for good lol.

[–] toothpicks 1 points 1 week ago

Herpes simplex?

[–] toothpicks 5 points 2 weeks ago
[–] toothpicks 2 points 2 weeks ago
[–] toothpicks 9 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (2 children)

The holidays suck. You finally have a little time but everything is cancelled because it falls on a holiday and everyone is out of town. It's lonely as fuck

[–] toothpicks 2 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

What type of granola bar did you bring 🥰

[–] toothpicks 15 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Happy fuckin holidays mfs

Ableism (
submitted 7 months ago by toothpicks to c/chat

Why does everyone suddenly seem to think it's ok to say the R word again? I feel like I hadn't heard it in years and suddenly everyone around me is using it, and I see it on Reddit all the time. Am I imagining it? Is anyone seeing this? I don't even know what to say when it's suddenly just everyone in a group and everyone acts like it's normal.


How many unfinished tracks do you have knocking around on a hard drive somewhere? I was just looking through a big folder of 150 that I organized into one folder like 5 years ago. I don't know what the true total is. Anyone else find this super overwhelming haha? I'm maybe just gonna dump it on the public like Mac Demarco lol

Faircamp setup help (
submitted 1 year ago by toothpicks to c/technology

Hi! I'm trying to set up faircamp which is like a bandcamp alternative. If I'm understanding correctly it's a self-hosted static site. I'm new to all this. I'm on a mac, so I've installed Brew and then installed Faircamp using Terminal. It's currently pointing to "Audio Music Apps" folder which is full of audio plugins and such. I can't seem to figure out how to point it to a faircamp folder? Does it matter where the faircamp folder is?

I think I am building "from source". A different guide said to install a virtual linux but I don't have the necessary space to install all that.

This is what I've been working from:

downloading gmails (
submitted 1 year ago by toothpicks to c/technology

my gmail account is full, most of the space is emails. I tried to download them through "takeout" and it has an option that says hey let's split this up into 2GB chunks. And you select that and it sends you one 12GB .mbox file regardless. The 12GB download keeps failing and now it says you've already downloaded these files too many times. Like gimme a break. Anyone have any experience with this? Any ways to get around the download failing or to force it to send you smaller chunks? Suchhhh a pain.

I hope to move to a different mail thing at some boint. I know y'all are gonna tell me don't use gmail dont use gmail lol.



cross-posted from:

I'm trying to learn how to sharpen scissors. I'm using a draw-filing technique. I'm not sure where I'm doing right or wrong. Anyone has any input? It's a little better than it was but it's definitely not as sharp as it could be. Gonna try attach some pics.

submitted 1 year ago by toothpicks to c/diy

I'm trying to learn how to sharpen scissors. I'm using a draw-filing technique. I'm not sure where I'm doing right or wrong. Anyone has any input? It's a little better than it was but it's definitely not as sharp as it could be. Gonna try attach some pics.




How do y'all manage with the constant onslaught of noise? There's nowhere I can get a second of quiet even in my own apartment.

submitted 1 year ago by toothpicks to c/foss


Can anyone direct me to any resources for how to move away from squarespace? I have a small website on there at the moment and my experience with them has been riddled with bugs and poor customer service, which is very annoying considering how much I pay them.

Is there a good way to move to a free open source alternative. I wouldn't know how to write any code but otherwise I'm reasonably competent I think.




I want to cut my own hair and get an affordable but decent scissors to do it. I'm wondering if I can get something that I could use for both my head hair and my beard? And if so, what would you recommend?

PS is there a better place to post this? Haha

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