Economy of scale: you either have a large enough active user base and fewer ads or a smaller active user base with more ads. Just another indication of the slow death of FB.
Learn to separate your feelings of a country's government from the country's people. I'm sure most Russians are just trying to live their lives like everyone else on this planet. They didn't get to choose which country they were born in.
it's strange it's taken them this long to get to space
It's not too strange considering how little most of society cared about space beyond Earth's orbit. Even the last of the Apollo missions were met with little fanfare outside of the space industry.
The billionaires' dick measuring contest and other countries beyond Russia showing actual progress in their own space programs have finally kicked up enough competition to get some aspects of the Space Race going again, including investments in newer technology.
I've heard for every dollar spent on space it benefits the US eight times over.
"say Chinese state media and commentators."
No bias to be seen here
If Constellation on Apple TV is right, then it's an indication that the person has become quantum entangled with their alternative self in another universe.
Good show btw if you are looking for something more psychological with a sci-fi background.
Dig deep enough and I'm sure you'll find wall street at the bottom of this hole. They are the source of all enshitification.
They voted for the future. Unfortunately, they thought they would be millionaires/billionaires in the future.
We really don't tell Musk to go back to his own country enough.
I question if you're American. No American I've ever met says "USA". It's always "US" or "Americans". USA is only said as a chant of pride.
Consumers: We want affordable EV
US Manufacturers: Nah
China: Hold my beer
Maybe this will get US-based manufacturers to get their heads out of their asses.
Yeah, they're really pushing the envelope of technology with this new fangled online play.
Want to prove to the world you're the good guys, definitely start by banning news agencies /s