What could possibly go wrong?
I'm not sure that I can envision the sequence of decisions which led to that haircut to be in that photograph.
Maybe a lot of "not my job to question"?
It's the Onion. So most likely predictive...
We are deep in the technical weeds here. 95% of Linux usage really doesn't require such humour unfortunately.
Feels like a business opportunity to me
But the poors on moi laaaaaarnd!
Top tip, if tired, replace the rm -f
part of the command with something innocuous for a first run.
Actually, is better to do this mistake once so that the two important lessons are learned...
Backup (obviously, in your case it was backups, but the point still stands) and double check your command if it has potential for destruction 👍
You can have both python 2 and 3 on the system. It just depends upon which is the default as to how much you break it 👍
The symlink to /usr/bin/python
is the important bit for most software. For deb-based at least, update-alternative is your friend.
Really? Do you have a source for that?
EA works on the hypothesis that in order to assist the most people, they have to amass as much money as possible in order to create mega altruistic (tm) projects which will assist done nebulous future generations of trillions, whilst ignoring the fact that helping everybody right now will be a greater benefit by increasing the likelihood that there will be people in the future to assist.
TLDR; Ultra-rich idiots trying to justify their greed by saying it's for the benefit of humanity.
Well, you saved me a search, and op saved me from buying a Pixel 9.