
joined 2 months ago
[–] leisesprecher@feddit.org 4 points 3 days ago

You are now. Herzlichen Glückwunsch.

[–] leisesprecher@feddit.org 23 points 3 days ago (3 children)

And let's be honest: the Mongolians were probably not worse than any other invader. War, destruction, looting and raping is kind of par for the course for most civilizations in history.

[–] leisesprecher@feddit.org 3 points 3 days ago

Try teaching it German compounds. I'm a big fan of artisanal compounds, but getting spell check or the swipe-o-matic to accept them is an unwinnable battle.

[–] leisesprecher@feddit.org 25 points 3 days ago (7 children)

I mean, what is his point? We should have worse software because then the devs are volunteers?

Is Linux now supposed to work like early Olympics?

[–] leisesprecher@feddit.org 19 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Yeah, but we are the real™ Linux community, not like those splitters from the community of Linux!

[–] leisesprecher@feddit.org 1 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Ich finde den Artikel dazu leider nicht mehr, aber das ist tatsächlich so passiert.

[–] leisesprecher@feddit.org 4 points 3 days ago

"Angeblich" ist das BSW sehr vorsichtig, neue Leute aufzunehmen, um genau das zu verhindern.

Ob das funktioniert oder ob das nur ein Schwur auf Wagenknechts Buch ist, wird sich zeigen. Aber zumindest sind sie sich der Risiken bewusst.

[–] leisesprecher@feddit.org 16 points 3 days ago

Jetzt kommt der Winter der Sozialen Kälte, Bürgergeld wird gestrichen, wer nicht arbeitet wird direkt abgeschoben. Erbschaftssteuer über 1 mio € wird auf 0% gesenkt.

[–] leisesprecher@feddit.org 10 points 5 days ago (2 children)

The real problem are implicit biases. Like the kind of discrimination that a reasonable user of a system can't even see. How are you supposed to know, that applicants from "bad" neighborhoods are rejected at a higher rate, if the system is presented to you as objective? And since AI models don't really explain how they got to a solution, you can't even audit them.

[–] leisesprecher@feddit.org 34 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Und anlasslos wird dann natürlich Achmed durchsucht. Armin grüßt im Vorbeigehen die Beamten mit einem freundlichen Hitlergruß. Die Beamten nicken freundlich zurück.

[–] leisesprecher@feddit.org 1 points 5 days ago

Wobei ich mich dann frage, warum die FDP dann nicht umso mehr darum kämpft, ihr Alleinstellungsmerkmal zu behalten.

Das was die FDP gerade abzieht macht in überhaupt gar keiner Weise Sinn und ich verstehe es nicht. Was Merz abzieht ist menschenverachtend und böse, aber ich verstehe wenigstens, was das soll, warum er es macht. Was Lindner abzieht, verstehe ich nicht. Für wen machen die denn gerade Politik? Niemand, wirklich niemand, nicht mal die Wirtschaft, profitiert davon. Also was soll das? Warum sehen die das nicht?

[–] leisesprecher@feddit.org 3 points 5 days ago

The much bigger problem is the apathy and stupidity of the average person.

Every single person in Western countries has enough information to see through the bullshit of the political class and they have the power to vote them out. But they don't. They don't want to be bothered by actually taking responsibility, they just want someone else to blame. Jews, immigrants, gays, doesn't matter.

Many will argue with propaganda, but most of the propaganda is extremely blatant. You'll only believe it, if you want to believe it. It may solidify resentments, but it won't create them out of nowhere.


I have a small homelab running a few services, some written by myself for small tasks - so the load is basically just me a few times a day.

Now, I'm a Java developer during the day, so I'm relatively productive with it and used some of these apps as learning opportunities (balls to my own wall overengineering to try out a new framework or something).

Problem is, each app uses something like 200mb of memory while doing next to nothing. That seems excessive. Native images dropped that to ~70mb, but that needs a bunch of resources to build.

So my question is, what is you go-to for such cases?

My current candidates are Python/FastAPI, Rust and Elixir, but I'm open for anything at this point - even if it's just for learning new languages.


I asked a while ago, how to build an automatic light switch and finally got around to actually building it.

My board is an ESP8266 mini D, and ignoring all the sensor parts, my problem right now is powering the actual light.

It's just a small LED array and I connected it directly to the 5V and GND pins (controlled via a transistor).

Measuring from the wall (so including the PSU), this whole setup pulls about 3W (so far expected), however, one small component close to the USB connector gets uncomfortably warm, and I'm not sure, whether that's ok.

The hot component is one of the two small thingies circled in the picture. I thought the 5V get pulled directly from the USB plug, so I'm not sure, why there is any circuitry involved.


I'm trying to build a very simple, stupid light switch for my grow light. Essentially, I want to turn on the light, if it gets too dark outside, so that my plants can survive the northern winter.

Since I'm a software guy, my first thought was an ESP32, but that seems excessive.

My current approach would be something like this: https://www.ebay.com/itm/313561010352 In conjunction with a relay, both powered by a USB-PSU.

If the light level is low enough, the logic DO pin should send a signal and that should be enough to trigger a small relay, so that the relay then closes the circuit to switch on the lights.

Is that idea completely stupid? With electronics, I'm usually missing something very obvious.

The lights themselves are already just usb powered and only draw 5W, so that shouldn't be problem.

What I'm concerned with is the actual switching. Is the logic signal "strong" enough to activate a relay? Would simple transistor maybe sufficient?

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