I just learned this the other day and that along with the purple Listerine...my gums are not bleeding after flossing for the first time in years..and I've got good teeth...just too much tartar build up because I was flossing wrong. I'm going to try the hydrogen peroxide thing too.
He's a fair enough target.. nothing of value would be lost.
Everything about the impeachment plan is definitely a complete violation of each elected politician's oath of officer and attempting to subvert the will of the voters should lead to every single representative who is endorsing this plan being permanently removed from office.
Jerusalem sucked and was terrible.
Good riddance you shithead. I guess I meant shit heel.
Time to pull his fascist ass from office
If I've learned anything from Trump, usually it's best to investigate him about anything he's accusing others of doing. Because he's projecting.
Me too ..but that might be because when I called out an AITA story and got a 3 day ban I made u/aita_mods_are_all_incels they really really didn't like that....turns out I might have hit too close to home accidentally.
My brother runs on what he calls gpt. Gay Time essentially. I'm not gay but sometimes I run on gpt top.
Stoned Jesus is a great Ukrainian band. I highly doubt they'd be down with satanic Nazis.
I'm beginning my Linux DAW journey. How hard is it to get I/O support?