Before youtube disabled recommendation for people with watch history turned off, having watch history turned off made it so your recommendations were only based on channels you are subscribed to and possibly videos you've liked, commented on, ...
There are some categories where I only ever search for the category, then watch a video, but never subscribe to any channel. Those videos were never recommended to me. Meanwhile on my girlfriends pc with watch history turned on, as soon as I watch a single video from a channel she's not subscribed to similar videos appear all over the front page.
Usually the websites and apps you use, but not what specific page you visit and it's content.
If you for example visit they could see that you visited but nothing more.
This is assuming that the website is encrypted (it starts with https://, not http://), which nowadays luckily most websites are. Otherwise they can see the specific page, it's content and most likely also all information you input on that page.
Das ganze wird vermutlich als Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen (§305ff BGB) gewertet.
Bei AGBs gibt es ein paar Abweichungen zum normalen Vertragsrecht.
(1) Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen sind alle für eine Vielzahl von Verträgen (✅) vorformulierten (✅) Vertragsbedingungen, die eine Vertragspartei (Verwender) der anderen Vertragspartei bei Abschluss eines Vertrags stellt (✅). [...]
Bei AGB reicht es teilweise, dass sie deutlich sichtbar am Verkaufsort aushängen. Die Zustimmung des Käufers erfolgt dann durch konkludentes Handeln.
Allerdings gibt es zum Schutz der Vertragspartner auch viele Einschränkungen was AGB enthalten dürfen. §309 Punkt 6. BGB verbietet manche Arten von Vertragsstrafen in AGBs. Vertragsstrafen bei Diebstahl dürften dort allerdings nicht drunter fallen.
Da bleibt zur Argumentation höchstens noch §305c Abs. 1 BGB, der besagt dass AGB Klauseln nicht überraschend sein dürfen. Ab welcher Höhe die Vertragsstrafe überraschend ist müsste dann wohl ein Gericht entscheiden.
Standard Definition (SD) ist in Europa 576i. HD ist 720p. 1080p hat den Namen Full HD bzw. FHD bekommen.
They recently announced that they will publish new exploits at DEF CON next week and recommend owners to not update their firmware if they want to take advantage of that.
So depending on how the exploit works installing Valerie might get a lot simpler. It usually takes quite some time until such exploits are not only fixed, but then also for devices with fixed firmware to hit the shelves.
Every Rubik's Cube, no matter how scrambled, can be solved in at most 20 rotations.
Außgenommen Mitarbeitergeschenke (also Werbegeschenke der Firma bei der ich arbeite nur an ihre Mitarbeiter) vermutlich ein 16GB USB-Stick der Uni Basel.
Und das war vor 5-6 Jahren, als man anderswo maximal 4, eher 2GB geschenkt bekommen hat.
Many of the keys sold on key reselling sites are bought with stolen credit cards. It usually works like this:
- Someone obtains stolen credit card data (can be easily bought on the dark web)
- The stolen credit card data is used to buy keys from official key sellers (or directly from the developer of they offer them)
- Those keys are then sold on key reselling sites
- The credit card owner notices that his credit card data was stolen, contacts his credit card company and does a charge back. 5.The official key seller has to pay back the money + a charge back fee.
I don't think google fear Apple having to offer a choice to users. They fear Apple defaulting to Bing or something else.
While most people might choose google when presented with a choice, possibly more people are just going to keep the default settings when not presented with a choice.