Don't really want to doxx myself, but in the Helsinki area
"Fåntratt", litterally translated as "idiot funnel". Something you might call a silly person
I've seen "should of" in a book before. I think it was house of leaves, that had a bunch of them in it but it was only from one characters perspective if I remember correctly, so it might have been a stylistic choice. Still recommend the book though.
I fully agree, the show is amazing, hooked me from the start! Though I haven't had the time to watch past episode 5 yet.
I just started reading the first book because of the show, and in the book at least they still allow childrens picture books, and I guess they learned what birds were from them: "Most people doubted those colours in the books, just as they doubted purple elephants and pink birds ever existed." So maybe they saw a duck in the book and now only know what a cartoon duck looks like, but if it would have been a realistic duck on the pez, they wouldn't have known what it was?
Hejsan, Jag håller med! :)