Hexbear isn't worth the dog shit I scraped off my shoe this morning.
Hitler and Himmler believed in "World Ice Theory" which was put forth by some German crackpot who stated the base matter of all reality was ice.
I'm sorry. I guess we should be imbibing the cuisines of the countries we conquered in the past and calling it our own.
I was forced to go to a charismatic church as a kid. We're talking speaking in tongues, cast out demons, and all that bullshit. As such, The Devil was present in a lot of my childhood fears.
I was convinced I could feel him breathing on my face at night in bed whenever I did something "wrong".
I hated this Santa Clause decoration that my grandmother hung in my bedroom window every year (we lived in first floor apartment facing the street). When the streetlamp outside of my window hit it at night it looked the head of the Devil in silhouette.
I hated it when my family watched Unsolved Mysteries or things like that because there was always a chance they would do a segment on demonic hauntings or shit like that.
Religious trauma is a hell of a drug.
I continue to be surprised that The Simpsons is still on the air. It's a cliche now to say it hasn't been good since the late 90s.
A lot of classic black metal and Wisp.
Ren and Stimpy. I was the strange kid in school, so the show's gross-out humor and absurdity appealed to my weirdo sensibilities. Finding out John K. is a bastard sexpest definitely tempered my nostalgia a bit.
My elderly relatives type like that when they want to make sure people know they're very serious people with important opinions about the price of milk and Barack Obama being a secret homosexual.