Fucking hilarious
Unbelievable how you consumers are too lazy to recycle! Unreal, the recycling process is the program that creates the cost driven system away from the poor, poor companies and onto the end user and their communities and...tsk tsk, you don't even do it.
Don't you care about the environment?
That would have been a nightmare scenario of bureaucracy.
He's going out-zuck the cuck.
Seriously hope both their companies go the way of AOL
One of my cooks stayed with us during their school break one summer and my son, 5 or 6 at the time, brought her and my wife a beer one day when I got home from work.
My own son had never brought me a beer...I'm still so bitter about that 20 years on that she just had a baby last year and I might just plan a trip in a couple years....
Lol, no way, they'll fly their private jets back and forth between LA and Palm Springs while they oversee construction
They just have to wait a few more weeks for Trump to start funding ruzzia.
I think the rebuttal is plantain! Great Work!
That was sold to pay off Boris's hair stylist
Should be fixed any day now with all those millions of £s coming back because of Brexit.
I prefer the spelling 'banal'
Jesus fucking tapdancing Christ.....all those prominent officials and the central Bank boss all on one plane?
Fuck yeah that was a hit.