It only routes / forwards emails to your inbox from that domain. You can put a catch all rule or direct certain emails to different inboxes. You can't send emails from the domain in Cloudflare
I use Cloudflares email routing.
Point my domains name servers to Cloudflares and enable email routing. I can then create any email address in that domain and have it forward to any of my email addresses. Works great when signing up for accounts. The only thing you can't do is fire off email FROM said email address
Edit: can to can't
Don't want to give out my location but roads around me are all 55+ now with people pushing 70... Not sure if I am brave enough to run even in the ditches
I checked Strava heat map, Garmin connect maps and hiking app with no luck:( but I'm happy to hear more suggestions
First 5k
Thinking "this has to be over soon" over and over again. When It was finally over I stumbled into a fence and sliced my leg open
Looks good!
Thought about something like that - Just need to figure out how to get that convo started
Whoops! Fixed. Thank you!