Awesome, thank you, somehow I missed it
Windows. Primarily because I play a lot of PC games and do PCVR and while Linux has come a long way it's still more of a PITA to use for a lot of things.
Yes... I like it when problems are somewhat self-correcting. If only it were even more so... can we get them to think anthrax is good for them?
On Reddit you have your home page or start page that shows combined content from all of your subscribed subreddits and nothing else... how do I get to something like that here, or isn't there anything like that here?
I hate everything having to do with times, dates, and languages. It's like we are used to rigor and logic and human invented systems from millennia ago are anything but...
I just clicked "Communities" at the top of the page, then selected "All" instead of "Local"... seemed to show everything sorted by number of subscribed users... in fact I literally JUST did this and that's why I'm on this community right now.
Just completed my annual ritual of spending nearly $300 to replace the batteries in my 8S XMAXX because my dumbass once again forgot to put them in storage charge over the winter...
My 10 year old son does this! He's going to be so excited tomorrow when I show him
For any normal person being indicted by a federal grand jury is extremely serious. Federal prosecutors have a 99.6% conviction rate.