They don’t care so yes it is on them also. Wasn’t it 10million plus less voters then last time.
Well there is no way they don’t get in next Canadian election.
There is 123915 members in 2023 so probably more now. This was a pointless vote.
Wasn’t it a hand selected people invited for the leadership vote. I heard it was six percent of the members.
Because they don’t want people catching wildlife for pets.
Then you call a rehabbed not raise it yourself.
I think the story is BS anyway.
Oh screw off with the Nazi bullshit.
Sure how many people play on Linux vs windows? How many cheaters are on windows vs Linux? A assure you the windows number is way higher then Linux on both.
Three referendums on this in BC and failed ever time. There is not going to be a general strike or anything. Obviously the general population don’t care.
I hate when they compare us to Europe though. Maybe Toronto and Quebec are different since they are older but our cities are generally more sprawled with fewer people then Europe.
This isn’t a Tesla or EV problem though. How many back doors have child safety locks?