I still wear a mask when going out to stores because I'm immunocompromised due to a kidney transplant. It's ultimately up to me to protect myself from others but what bothers me most lately are people who either laugh or think I'm stupid for still wearing a mask. Some even go as far as to call me out and shame me for it. Can people just mind their own business? I'm not trying to get them to wear a mask so why are they so fixated on me taking mine off?
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I still wear a mask because I stand in soldiartiy with folks like you.
Not only do I want to prevent the spread of the disease that could kill immune compromised folks like yourself, but it also helps normalize mask wearing.
Genuinely, I think it's probably because they feel a little guilty when they see you wearing one, and that's uncomfortable for people, so they respond by taking it out on you.
Same. I never stopped wearing a mask because I'm immunocompromised from my lung transplant. People call me names all the time. Even here on Lemmy.
This is why I started exclusively wearing kn95s because it became clear after a time that people simply don't give a shit about anyone except themselves, they don't care if you or I get covid and die.
So I stopped pretending like I'm doing my part since we all know surgicals and cloth masks are only truly effective if everyone else is wearing them. They know too but choose to fuck us anyway. So fuck them too and protect yourself first. Wear your p100 respirator with the exhaust vents that filter nothing for extra vindictive points
The lesson I'm learning is that we should have worn masks during "flu season" all along. In crowded and poorly ventilated spaces at least. It's a cheap and easy measure and I don't know what the BFD is with masks.
That's the damn truth lol. I wish I would've known and used masks more appropriately before; could have avoided a bunch of little respiratory infections. The most I would have had to deal with is people asking "are you sick?" because I'm wearing a mask
Masks just aren't inherently a big deal. It's just been made one by people seeking to politicise what should be a universally accepted good (trying to stop the spread and harm of a pandemic/epidemic disease.) People have reframed it as "they" are trying to control you! So vote for me/buy my tat/give me attention and I will protect "us" from "them"! and just about everyone has been influenced in their response to this simple practical health issue in some way as a result. Some entirely buying into the message and insisting there's some insidious reason we're being asked to take simple actions to prevent infection, others simply being a little more lax in their action than they would be if there wasn't a fairly large vocal minority insisting that no action should be taken at all.
But fuck it, let's all just return to the office anyways. Amirite? SMH
Well yeah. If we don't the landowners will lose money on all their ugly and useless office buildings and that would be sooo awful :(
Our track record dealing with covid shows us that our approach was largely unsuccessful. Masking must be enforced, not suggested. This is the only effective solution.
People were such dimwits about it though. Even if you had a security guard at the entrance to every shop challenging people to wear properly fitted n95s, I'm certain heaps of people would remove it after they walked past just on principle.
I tend to agree, but realistically who is going to enforce it? You've got to take into consideration the impact the constant stream of conflict has on low level employees who end up responsible for this enforcement. For those who want to protect themselves, N95 masks are highly effective when used properly.
You also need to wear eye protection. Even just regular, prescription glasses showed a 30% reduction in infection rates. Masks don't protect if other people wont also wear them.
Wear a Mask. Get vaccinated. Stop spreading misinformation
Since the anti-mask/vax comments seem to be flooding in, figured I'd make my opinion known too... as obnoxiously as I can, because apparently that's how it's done
it’s interesting to see how common it is for people in NYC to still wear them sometimes, especially when on the subway (the air is shitty, so it makes sense).
I doubt it will be much of a problem here, except for those who always refused. yeah, it sucks, but it’s a lot better than getting sick— or dying.
covid or no covid, its not the worse thing to wear masks and stay safe!
I saw a study a while back that claimed that good filtration and ventilation systems in indoor public places were more effective than masking. If that's the case, what I'd like to see is subsidies for businesses and public buildings to get.new systems installed, as well as new minimum air quality standards for public spaces with inspections for enforcement.
I keep wearing N95s. Haven't gotten COVID yet and not feeling like playing the Long COVID roulette. I don't work 9-5 in an office so I don't even have to wear a mask for very long periods of time. Buses, stores require it, but there's plenty to do outside anyway. Patios are fine. Need to take a leak? Put the mask on. No one from my circle has caught it yet. Honestly this protocol isn't that bad.
It's like once "their guy" gave them the ok, everyone started licking doorknobs again. Why couldn't we keep this "social distancing" thing going? I liked my personal space.
Unless the strain is killing a sizable amount of people getting it it'll be hard to get people to wear masks en masse again.
Even if it kills (which it likely will), our track record shows that didn't care enough about that, and in a decreasing manner. So it'll only be worse.
BuT wHaT aBoUt the ecoNoMy??!!
I mean, we didn't handle any of this well the first time. That goes for most places on the planet. I'm sure we won't handle it well if it really does go south again.
Hey, let's again make sure we don't listen to the scientists that come armed with facts and data. 7 million dead the last time? Probably a made-up statistic just to spread fear and panic...right?
My wife and I wear them when we are in an uber or other enclosed space. Due to the new wave, we are being a bit more careful than usual.
I saw on the CBC last night a story of a restaurant worker who was fired because she wore a mask. That's how bonkers we in Canada have become lately.
So just make sure you have N95s handy. There's no reason to panic, but just be prepared if a new strain takes off over the flu season.
I don't understand why the comments are so contentious.
I hate scepticism over vaccines, but when it has just been announced that vaccines can be sold to the public for around £100 each, and then this comes along. They say ignore how many are being admitted to hospital as other consequences are more dangerous.
I have followed the hospital rates as a metric for over a year now. I don't see any other metric as valid. The death rate is reduced as the most vulnerable have been seen off. The reporting rate is non-existent because people are not interested anymore. People are under pressure to attend work with covid now, so why would they bother with the testing kits. Patients in hospital is the most sensible data point to me.
Why are we not being told of which areas are showing the most cases? Covid cases are drastically reduced now. Which hospitals are taking in large amounts of cases?
It would be stupid to take unnecessary risks, but this has a bad smell of fear mongering to sell vaccines around it for me.
Time to buy some shares, I guess.