I don't eat animal products but I could get on board with lab-grown meat tbh. Can't wait to try it.
JellyFin likes my new 20 TB HDD very much. That's all I'm saying.
It would not surprise me to find Walter Baier on Putin's payroll.
OK, but will it go up to... 11? LOL
Well I'm skeptical too though. They already were old farts ~~10~~ 11 years ago.
~~There are many forms of 2FA. I'm guessing you mean TOTPs~~ oh you actually wrote that, my bad lol.
I copy the keys from Aegis to KeePassXC. KeyPassXC's database is part of my regular backup. This way I have two apps generating the same TOTPs.
Yeah like they (the Windows sheeple) celebrated a CLI package manager as if it was their best invention since sliced bread. Every Linux user was like yaaawwwn... "finally"
Pro tipp: translate with both ChatGPT and Deepl and pick what sounds or reads best.
Do humanity a double service and fly to Mars.
And stay there.
TIL they teach abortions in US schools
Oh yeah? In Putin's head maybe.