"veganism will not fix all of humanity's problems, but no solution will be complete without it."
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Yeah but people will continue to be misinformed about dietary protein, and think eating fruits and vegetables is for wusses.
My dad is old and fat and is out of breath when he gets into a car. He eats cheap sometimes spoiled meat 3 times a day, everything he cooks is somehow the greasiest food i have ever seen.
I have a BMI of 21. I do an average of 18000 steps a day and mountain bike on the weekend.
Somehow he's embarrassed about my vegan diet and gives me tips on how to eat right and tells me that i'm godda die soon for the past 5 years.
I have many friends like that. Bro, i need that protein. You are overweight and you don't do any sports at all.
I dunno, i find it very odd.
From what I've seen its often just genuine ignorance. Thinking plants are entirely carbs, needing protein for muscle so of course you only get protein from animal muscle, and that old myth of incomplete proteins. Ill be honest I had the same assumption that something like a potato is entirely carbs
In those instances, the argument I’ve found to be the most persuasive is to ask them to think about some of the strongest animals out there: gorillas, rhinos, African elephants, horses, even the cattle they chose to consume. All of those animals “get swol” while eating nothing but plants.
If they can get all the protein they need to be some of the most powerful mammals on the planet, I will probably be ok.
Fruits and vegetables are (mostly) delicious.
So is a bacon cheeseburger.
People don't want to be vegan for a variety of issues.
My personal problem comes with things like not eating honey. Beekeepers keep bee populations healthy. Those bees pollinate the food vegans eat. But for some dumb ass reason vegans are against it.
I'm all for moving away from meat, but exclusion shouldn't be the focus. The majority of people will never convert to vegan diet, but we CAN get them to replace some of what they eat with vegetarian alternatives.
Ok then, go plant based but eat honey. If you agree with the rest you should do it.
No one has told you to not eat honey
Telling people to go vegan generally includes not eating honey since it's an animal by-product, just like eggs, animal milk, or cheeses.
Now, if you want to tell them to eat a vegetarian diet, then yeah, honey, eggs, animal milk, cheese, etc, would all still be on the table.
Yay,vegans role! 🌳💚
I don't give two shits about enviornmental measures, how is it by dietary measures?
Oh, right:
"avoiding all animal foods may lead to nutritional deficiencies in vitamin B12, omega-3, calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, and high-quality protein.
These deficiencies may be associated with increased risk for certain types of cancer, stroke, bone fractures, preterm birth, and failure to thrive. Avoiding consumption of animal-sourced food may also be related to higher rates of depression and anxiety. Hair loss, weak bones, muscle wasting, skin rashes, hypothyroidism, and anemia are other issues that have been observed in those strictly following a vegan diet."
The full paper promotes a plant-forward diet supplemented with modest amounts of nose-to-tail animal consumption. Even this paper isn't promoting the rampant consumption of animal muscle typical of western diets.
B12 is fed to animals. This is where the b12 comes from. Meat eaters are having their food supplemented also.
There are many plant foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids with good omega ratios. Such as flax, hemp seeds, and chia.
Minerals are common in plant foods, very common. For example, kidney beans and leafy greens.
The idea of vegans diets being deficient in protein is laughable and intentionally misleading. For example, beans on toast is a complete protein source.
These articles are either aimed at college students, greatly misinformed, or shills for animal agriculture.--
As for the health aspects. For anyone with a genuine curiosity for an argument in good faith see https://www.nature.com/articles/s41398-019-0552-0
Jordan's statement on health is very misleading.
Even better results can be achieved by unaliving yourself.
Also in case anyone wanted to know without reading the paper they define "high" meat eaters as "(≥100 g d−1)" so I assume more then 100grams a day.
Your math is flawed:
A plant based diet reduces the impact by -3/4, your solution by -1
If i convince 4 others to do the same, or 8 to reduce it by half my impact is -3 not counting cascading effects.
That is if you would follow trough with your suggestion which I have doubts. So not only is your solution not better, it is worse and you don't act the way you propose.
What if I, like above, convince 4 others to do the same?
(oh do we do that whole /s thing here?)
How big is your suicide cult right now? I have been vegan for over 5 years and made a impact on many others while you talk smart on the internet. You just justify not taking responsibility with a stupid hyperbolic example you don't follow trough. I can advocate going vegan because I follow trough. You, you are just pathetic.
ahhh, I get it now. Here I can perhaps help this misunderstanding a little; not everything has to be a cult or cult like. Sometimes I like to make a little joke on the math provided but that does not mean I am inactive or not taking responsibility.
Sure, most responsible murder suicide cult ever.
this is only true if you believe the myth that you're responsible for your"carbon footprint" instead of the people who are actually making the emissions.
Just because one is paying someone to create emissions does not make them responsible because someone else did it?
they create the emissions without being paid.
ah, they use their private money to burn oil in their backyard. alright.
the animal industry would just keep breeding and abusing animals despite no one buying their stuff. OK.
you don't seem to understand how linear time works. polluters pollute before anyone buys their product. whether anyone buys the product or not, the pollution has already happened.
Ah, the "the damage is already done" argument. Has anyone told you that you pay for the next victim of the industry? Buying the product supports the industry and keeps it alive.
Maybe you have no concept of future.
Maybe you have no concept of future.
you seem to have a loose grip on causation as well.
Has anyone told you that you pay for the next victim of the industry?
no, i don't.
Jeez what a title. I bet most folks read the title and assume it means better for health reasons not environmental reasons.
It says environmental in the title?
Yes, but at the very end, and humans are unfortunately known to only half-dead titles and then run with it haha.
Good thing both of those conclusions are true.
I’m pretty sure I read a meta analysis that concluded that a little meat is better than no meat. But that hardly matters bc when you tell someone about paleo they end up shoveling chicken, beef, and dairy down their throat with little to no vegetables and fruits (I think from the same analysis)
But at what cost...?!?
That's the fun part. None, really. I still eat like a king, my meals might even be tastier nowadays.
I actually have no problems with vegans or vegetarians. If you're doing it for your own reasons that great. If you're yelling at me that "meat is murder and chicken eggs are rape" then you're a crazy person.
I just like the taste of meat, and the benefits of vegetarian or vegan diets are not worth the trouble right now. If plant alternatives price out eggs, then I'll switch. Until then, I'm just buying the best food I can afford.
Edit: fixed "have to problems" to "have no peoblems"
I’ll be the crazy person. Where does meat come from, it not from murder?
Yeah, but that murder is worth it.
OK, so not crazy people then. Factual people to whom you won't listen. That's not really their problem.
Hard disagree, but each to their own.