I don’t mean to put you down, but instead of spending your whole winter working on this, you could have just bought something with the same build quality and appeal from a master craftsperson for thousands of dollars.
A handmade home for woodworkers and admirers of woodworkers. Our community icon is submitted by @1985MustangCobra@lemmy.ca whose father was inspired to start woodworking by Norm and the New Yankee Workshop.
That's really nice! It's so beautiful. The slats on the cabinets are nice since it allows you to put electronics in there like a receiver while still maintaining air flow and it's nice to have a pattern to break up the flat wood of the middle drawer..
This is beautiful. You should be proud! Well done!
This is one of the most gorgeous pieces of furniture I've seen
Well, you should be because that shit looks great!
Incredible work
Did you finish the boards yourself?
I made a mistake and got a surface planer instead of a jointer, and I haven't gotten around to making a jointer Jig, so my woodworking has been on hold.
Yes I got some high-quality walnut plywood and some solid walnut too. My finish is 3 coats of wipe-on poly cut with a little mineral spirits, then 3-4 coats of paste wax. Extra wax on top.
This is truly beautiful!
Wow that looks really good!
I love the curve on the legs and the chamfer of the cab.
This is sooo sick!
Absolutely stunning!
That's a NICE fuckin piece of art/furniture
Do you accept trades?
Thank you so much! My wife has PROMISED to murder me if I sell this 😂
You help me with the sale, I'll help her with the murder!
wow, that looks great!
this is a real bruh moment