Ready Steady Go by Generation X!
Holy shit I love this
Brunch or dinner?
Tough one... I'm picking hike! I love the cool quiet of the forest, especially if it's a pine forest.
I mean, obviously good luck, but haven't you only been dating her for like 2 months?
Thanks CheeseToastie - I had a cup of tea (my solution to all of life's problems) and prep is going a bit better now.
I'm really struggling today guys. Peri brain fog is bad and I can't concentrate or hold a train of thought. I'm retired so usually it doesn't affect me too badly, but I do still do some consulting, and I've got a meeting this afternoon that I'm trying to prep for. I'm actually in tears from the frustration of just trying to focus on the few remaining tasks on my plate. Everything is overwhelming and I just feel broken today.
New shoes! Summer's coming and I could use a new pair of Chucks.
I do own a few handbags but most days I stick with my chain wallet.
That's not exclusively British.
I'm glad your meeting went well - I was just thinking I should ask how it went. Presenting can be so stressful!
Jesus, did you guys go to school in Florida or something?