Pokemon Company "having conversations" about how to ensure game quality with regular releases
The Lemmy community for all things Pokémon!
I feel it in my gut that some day Pokemon is going to have his "BotW"-like game that will make it revolutionary and relevant again, but until then we're gonna get a lot of stinkers.
And you'll have a certain group of diehard fans who believe it "isn't a real pokémon game" because of the changes lol.
They don't even have to do anything new, they just have to look at Cassette Beasts to see how to pull off an open world Pokemon-like game.
Steam link for those interested: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1321440/Cassette_Beasts/
Now I know what my next steam game is going to be, thanks for that
Black2/White2 used to be so missunderstood. People would absolutely kill each other for that right now