Billionaire known for stealing people’s ideas debuts totally new, original salute
A place to share and discuss stories from The Onion, Clickhole, and other satire.
Great Satire Writing:
FFS, I've seen this cursed picture about a dozen times in the last four hours.
For something that should had only deserved a short and blunt criticism, followed by complete silence, that individual is getting too much attention.
Short and blunt? I want to see this shit plastered everywhere so everyone can be called out if they still support him.
~~However~~ Whoever supports the figure deserves a punch in the mouth and nothing short.
That man and all the hype he is raising needs to be ignored. People like that thrive on raising hell.
It's official: I'm too tired and already had too much internet for the day. I'm one typo away from raisin.
Let us know how burying your head in the sand works out. The rest of us will be over here dealing with the unfortunate reality of our circumstances.
The man who has the most powerful man in the world in his pocket, controlling a big part of media waiting to buy another big part, coming out as a fucking nazi, deserves only short and blunt criticism?
Piss off and go hide from the world