Scrabble web app Check out this. Also training the dog to sit and stay is good. Have them sit and stay whenever they are worked up. Barking and such. Works better than yelling at them.
Try Remmina
Tankies forget that Trotsky existed.
Same for music for me. Only difference now, I get to choose where my money goes. Instead of some streaming company giving next to nothing to the bands I listen to and everything else going to some super popular stuff I don't enjoy.
Cool. Now let's have a Twitter union vote.
That's great grandma, now let's get you to the bottom of the ocean. (sadly not original content)
i know telling you that i don't see this is not always helpful, but i don't see this problem on version 10.8.13(im not sure if this is the latest). My first step for a problem like this, is to clear the cache of the android app.