No, we're a minority. Not third class. Hell, Android itself runs the Linux kernel. Should be a few slaps of paint to get it working. (I know it's much more complicated than that.)
Poorly worded but your wifi manufacturer. They put in stuff to "protect" you or "help monitor" your home but all it really is spyware.
Got myself a Logitech G502X and the Powerplay charging mouse pad. Now I can have my wireless mouse charged 24/7 and never have I think about plugging it or docking it.
Maybe organize-tool would help? You have to set the parameters but I love it for getting my home folders organized.
Take every opportunity you can to learn and grow but don't over exert yourself. Everything you learn can be used at a different company. Never know where your learned knowledge can take you.
Don't be afraid to ask questions. If you don't know something, it's better to ask and do it right the first time than fuck it up and have to waste more time. If they get mad for you asking, bail. People who can't accept questions are people who can't lead.
Do your job to the best of your abilities but don't be loyal as they won't be loyal to you when things are looking down.
If they offer any sort of benefits; PTO, College Funding, Health Care, etc; take advantage of everything that makes sense to you. Don't let ANYONE make you feel guilty for using it. The company is going to use you. Use them right back.
Leave work shit at work and home shit at home, whenever possible. Be chummy with your coworkers but don't mistake them for friends. "We're like a family" is bullshit. The company will throw you to the curb if needed.
I would say off only with the capability to view temps. IoT devices are shit when it comes to security and turning on remotely just scares the hell outta me. This is from someone whose whole house is decked out in IoT stuff.
100% agree with you. It's why I use and set a limit to what it can charge. Stuff gets more expensive without me noticing, welp. I gotta decide if it's worth it to keep paying.
(Sorry, sounds like a shill. It's just saved me multiple times in the past.)
Sorry, I look 12 without it even tho I'm well over 30. To each their own. 🤷
Forjego is looking into it.