Yes, totally agree. For me by itself a great reason to do it. Or even just for archival purposes, seeing how suddenly things can just disappear.
Thanks! I had no idea this existed! RCT has been a staple of my childhood <3
Currently GM'ing a Cyberpunk 2020/RED campaign!
It's 2045 and my Edgerunners are making their climb to fame in Night City from lowly street scum mercenaries to the highest of high leagues.
However, unbeknownst to them, the pack are just about to get thrown into something waaay bigger than anyone could chew: a deviated branch of the New United States of America (NUSA) together with high officials of Militech Armaments International, a private military and armaments megacorporation, are secretly conspiring to build a space-based orbital weapons platform that could be capable of altering the global balance of powers, to threaten the sovereignty of the Eurozone, something that could throw the world into another global war.
They will have to face the dilemma of either saving themselves and their loved ones, or saving human society from potential self-annihilation...
Eh busy week, abroad on a business trip for almost a month now. Weekend was nice though, got the chance to do some sightseeing. Other than that, still hoping for a particular person to contact me (I don't have their contact), not sure it will ever happen but hey, who knows, I am an optimist by nature :)
Fair point, it would be nice if it was upstreamed
Android (or at least some) have this feature now, the charging rate is usually adjusted based on time of the day, next alarm clock setting, charger type, etc
Thank you!
Yes it's great! A tiny place in the Golden Gai area :)
This is a very good point and one that is not discussed enough. is doing amazing work but there is absolutely not enough of that and they have very limited resources.
The whole internet is extremely ephemeral, more than people realize, and it's concerning in my opinion. Funny enough, I actually think that federation/decentralization might be the solution. A distributed system to back-up the internet that anyone can contribute storage and bandwidth to might be the only sustainable solution. I wonder.if anyone has thought about it already.
I always had mixed feelings about downvoting. On YouTube, dislikes were very useful, on Reddit I feel downvotes are just used to bring down dissenting opinions, regardless of their merit, so in a community like this it makes sense to disable them.
Already pre-ordered lol
What baseband silicon does it mount ?
As a Pixel user I don't know if I would class the Pixel as a better choice to anything, but I still haven't moved to Graphene admittedly (my bad).