@spla@mastodont.cat @Tutanota@mastodon.social +1 for Deltachat. Requires an auto-crypt-compatible email address. @Tutanota@mastodon.social , would you please add #deltachat compatible auto-crypt goodness to your offerings?
@xdydx@mastodon.social @thibaultamartin@mamot.fr I used to think of it purely from a technical perspective - what is technically possible, given the technical constraints?
Now I see it from a more human perspective. Considering all the key people around me, most of which are not technically minded - what do I need to sensibly do, in order to sufficiently "play ball" with them, as it were?
@thibaultamartin The convenience which more modern devices provided was effectively a one-way street. In essence, virtually nobody wants to go back to a less-convenient way of doing things. Alas, human nature is just like that.
Standards are easy to raise, but hard to lower. That device you suggest had 2MB of RAM. Nobody can make a gadget like that any longer, feature-for-feature, because 2MB of RAM is nowhere enough now. My Raspberry Pi with 2GB - not 2MB - of RAM, is hardly sufficient to even run a web browser (the OOM daemon aggressively kills the web browser).
Even a wifi router needs 8MB of ROM at the very least least to "play ball" these days, to run #OpenWRT. More like 16MB for any degree of comfort.
@Tutanota@mastodon.social @spla@mastodont.cat Much appreciated! ๐