Add official statement on this.
The MOD is committed to undertaking all necessary planning and environmental processes required to gain planning consent for the proposed site and for its safe operation. A comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment (including a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment) is underway in support of our planning application to Pembrokeshire County Council and their granting of planning permission is conditional on DARC meeting all the required safety standards.
He (and his platform) are a distraction. There are more important things happening that people are missing.
I don't follow former twitter links but if I did - would I be rickrolled to a Drifters song? EDIT - safe link -
Is Blackberry Messenger still a thing?
In that case - I must be in the youper.
I made a typo in the above. If I correct it you'll be able to break what's left.
I found mine in $HOME/.wine32/drive_c/windows/system32
Life before snap.
I'm sure they quoted one instance of a holiday home owner donating all surplus food at the end of their stay.