Tim Corey on YouTube has excellent beginner C# material. I would start there.
How does one qualify how much a language needs to be used?
Are you saying Rust is being used in places that you feel C/C++ should be used, and you don't think Rust belongs? Or maybe you are saying Rust is being used in places where C/C++ are not typically used, and you don't feel it belongs there?
The closest thing to context you've given is that you feel Rust has flaws (all languages do), and that Ada is perhaps safer. It's really hard to give any kind of answer without a properly fleshed out question.
What is the correct amount of usage? Why shouldn't people use the languages they want to?
I was mostly being tongue in cheek, but I think it might be possible to launch steam in big picture mode, rendered by Gamescope, from the TUI. No DE required.
Don't install a GUI and you can just skip this step
Its not as easy as launching from steam
Nonsense! Often adding as a non-steam game and using proton is one of the fastest ways to get up and running!
But yeah, it's trivial
Proton does. I switched from Mullvad for that very reason.
The truth about abs workout and diet is the same order tonight and tomorrow is fine but most importantly I will send you the best way to get the latest Flash player to play with my family 😁🐱
The plugins would almost certainly work in a VM, but I imagine that latency would become a big headache. For my purposes, I picked up a Beelink mini pc and called it a day.
So in terms of DAW (Digital Audio Workstation), Linux already has Bitwig, Reaper, Arour, LMMS, and possibly others. Personally, I find the bigger issue comes from plugin developers (the DAW is your main program, and you add your sounds/effects through plugins). Most companies are not delivering anything Linux native. Many of these plugins can be bridged with compatibility software, and will work fine that way. However, most of these plugins now are also using their own install/activation software center, and they are often a nightmare in Linux.
Music production is the one thing I currently keep a windows mini PC around for these days. It's not impossible to make the transition to Linux, but the last thing I want when pursuing a creative endeavor is technical software challenges holding me up.
You can say that speaks volumes about the character of the author (though you are the one assigning said "shame"). You were asking why this report deserves credence. The points raised in the report have citations such that you can decide where you fall on the presented issues.
I think this one is probably very popular. I had a very hard time giving Gnome a chance because of its inability to do this by default.