
joined 2 weeks ago
[–] 3 points 1 week ago

Tried i3 a few years back. Never went back. Fucking love it. Would like to ditch X for Wayland soon though. Need to move to Sway but a bunch of scripts depend on X.. Probably wouldn't be too much of a nightmare to transition, but for some reason I've been putting it off for years.


Got a servarr setup and just using public trackers. But I've got some specific things I'm after.

There is a sport documentary that came out last year that's still going around film festivals. Nowhere to be found, I didn't get to see it in my city as I was ill. I'd happily pay to see it, but again, nowhere to be found.

Another independent documentary about marine science in my local sea. Again, no chance of getting it anywhere. I've gone as far as emailing director asking to buy a copy, but no reply.

There is a small scale LGBT show about relationships I want to watch. Once again, nowhere to be found.

People big up private trackers and so sometimes I feel like I'm missing out staying on public ones. But I wonder if this kind of stuff is really to be found on private trackers. Or is some stuff just truly too obscure to be dug up? Does everyone else also have those few things that just remain unavailable despite everything you do?

[–] 6 points 1 week ago

For those of us who will only buy electronics used, kindle is usually the only option. And far cheaper too. So its nice that the device can be opened up a bit.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

Can this make Overdrive/Libby integration easier? Thats really the main thing pissing me off about Kindles.


I'm an enby and soon to start HRT.

I just had a strange conversation with a friend is saying that estrogen is messing up their dopamine levels.

They said on the pills, they felt ok, but the dose was too low. And then switching to weekly injections, they get a high for 4 days and then they have like a depressive crash on the last 3 days.

It's started a little bit of a spiral for me as god knows I've struggled with brain chemicals all my life. From drepression to anxiety and back and forth, but I've been doing much better the past year.

And so I'm kind of freaking out that estrogen will make me spin out.

Has anyone else had issues like this with the injections. I know its very subjective what people feel.