
joined 8 months ago
[–] 19 points 1 week ago

The idea that I'm talking about is actually more like communities forming a network, with chains of following. If I host a new instance and create a memes community in it, I'd like to start having that community follow memes @ and memes @, so that the community already has content from the get-go, but users may be able to post memes that are unique to my instance and its followers. The followers would also see memes from upstream unless my community unfollows them, as long as they don't also follow them independently.

This model of the network would allow each community to independently determine which other communities it thematically implies, without the user having to follow all 4 communities with the same name but different content across the platform.

The multireddit suggestion is more like having directories/tags for communities. It wouldn't achieve quite the same thing, but it would be useful as well. Both ideas can coexist and complement each other.

[–] 71 points 1 week ago (5 children)

There was some proposal that I have seen multiple times on Lemmy and at least once on the GitHub repo that communities should be able to subscribe to each other much like users can subscribe to communities. I vastly prefer this to other proposals such as auto-merging communities with the same name, which I can think of a few ways that can go wrong.

It would also be reasonably intuitive for the average user, since following stuff is already a familiar action you take on social media. You wouldn't really need to understand the quirks of federation to know why posting to one community makes it appear on other downstream communities. And as far as I know about ActivityPub (which is admittedly not much), it's not a stretch use it to implement a feature like this.

I wonder if this proposal ever reached anywhere.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Let this be my last reply in this thread because I don't feel like spamming my comment history with this, and also I kinda regret bringing the word tankie to this conversation (it was 2 am and I was quite literally just rambling about my discomfort with this platform. I wouldn't done it if I had had a fresher mind). I also don't want to leave drag on read, and I hope that drag doesn't see this as me being hostile.

Drag sees a trend that marxist-leninists haven't changed much in the last 50 years

I am going to put into question that drag actually sees this. Marxism in particular has been wildly propagandized against since WWII for mostly geopolitical reasons, and these testaments about marxists being assholes often comes from "Someone told me that someone told them that etc", or from "I once saw one (1) marxist be an asshole so all of marxism should be tossed away". That said, being marxist does of course not shield you from being an asshole or having biases. But modern marxist literature is often very intersectional and very critical of the way we conceive our relationship to society and identity, and scholars on LGBT-specific issues often use marxist methodologies as well.

This is not to say that marxism itself has always been devoid of biases etc, it hasn't, but as a product of how culture in the 19th and 20th century has evolved, it reasonably can't. This affects all schools of thought across the entire political spectrum, not just marxism, but this is often weaponized against marxism in particular, I wonder why.

I am not going to justify Nutomic's very transphobic assertion nor am I going to claim that it is a lone exception to the norm. What I am going to claim is, however, that this kind of "the only axis of discrimination that matters is class, all other issues are burgeois diversions" thought, as common as it is, flies in the face not only of serious modern marxism proponents, but also the groundwork that it has laid out for a lot of other liberation movements. So it's not that Nutomic is a marxist and therefore a transphobe, it's more like Nutomic is a marxist and a transphobe, and he should be called out for being a transphobe, not for being a marxist. Same as if a fat person is an asshole; they should be called out for being an asshole, not fat. Same as if a black person is violent; they should be called for being violent, but not for being black. Or, god forbid, same if an alleged troll uses neopronouns; the crime there is trolling, not having a neopronoun, and these should not be conflated.

However, my complaint in my first comment, and if y'all don't care about my wall of text let this be my TL;DR, I hate how Lemmy keeps labeling literally everyone to the left of Biden a "tankie". Maybe the slur does have a proper usage for red-themed bigots, but I can't possibly be a tankie and therefore shill Russia or China, or even somehow support Trump (???), for ideologies as extremist as: Thinking that I should be able to afford a home without rotting away at an office.

The word "tankie" here is being thrown around like the word "feminazi" used to be used. Mysoginists used to insist in a distinction between "actual serious feminists" and "feminazis who want all men to die", but in practice, any woman that so much as wanted to have a live outside the kitchen was already called a feminazi by tons and tons of angry men. On Lemmy, supporting literally, and I mean literally any policy to improve people's lives past basic social democracy (sometimes not even this) already gets you put in the tankie zone. And THAT's what making me, and as a matter of facts others, increasingly uncomfortable on this platform.

[–] 7 points 1 week ago (5 children)

someone trolling with neopronouns is trivially handled by just accepting the neopronouns

Absolutely, and I can't stop thinking about that.

For the sake of argument, let's take at face value the claims that drag is just some anti-trans troll that is doing the attack helicopter bit. That drag is secretly some 4channer cis dude in mom's basement wanting to stir up some drama on Lemmy to expose hyporcrisy.

Then this troll has done an absolutely stellar job forcing everyone to show their true colors on this topic.

Drag has proven, unquestionably and beyond a shade of doubt, that Lemmy is not safe for non-binary people, not even on Blahaj. And that is despite the admin's (in my eyes) best efforts to handle the situation.

Then, of course, there is the tiny little detail that this is a wildly bad faith assumption that requires going through a few hoops. Most of the assumption hinges on neopronouns being quirky and uncommon. And if the assumption happens to be wrong, then all this dogpiling has achieved is to wreak havoc on a vulnerable person's mental health, and possibly even cause some trauma down the line.

I don't care if dragonfucker needs to apologize about wronging someone else; at this point a few users absolutely need to apologize to drag as well.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Well, that comment by nutomic is certainly unfortunate, but I don't think that's exactly what people are thinking when they complain about tankies. The Soviet Union banning homosexuality is certainly also unfortunate, but it's not different from what every other country on Earth was doing in the 20th century. It's not reasonable to expect communist countries to get social issues right on the first try and attach their failure to do so to their economic organization. My country also banned homosexuality, for the record, and we absolutely were not communists.

It also just happens that most LGBT people I know, by a landslide, are marxists, because it's the logical consequence of applying to capitalism the same questioning that allows breaking free of the cisheteronorm. Sometimes economics and gender/sexuality intersect in interesting ways, and to an extent attempting to stomp out marxist ideology also often inadvertely makes the place hostile to LGBT people.

You can argue that "tankie" only refers to toxic, LGBTphobic marxists such as nutomic right here, and I mean, fair. But I'm complaining about the Lemmy community being incessantly hostile to people and communities that are outside of a very narrow worldview that you can really only find in terminally online people. 99% of the usage I have seen of the word "tankie" on Lemmy has been for this, It is keeping people out of the norm away from this platform and, as seen with the way so many users harassed drag, for good reason.

[–] 11 points 1 week ago (8 children)

Yeah, I have, and it's honestly disgusting. But for every pig shit emoji I have seen, I have also seen hundreds of comments shitting on tankies, dunking on commenters for expressing "radical leftist opinions" that are not that radical outside of social media, shitting on the work of the Lemmy devs for being professed marxist-lenninists, or claiming that is somehow cancer on the network that needs getting rid of, because it's nominally a tankie instance despite the sheer amount of democrat shilling, Israel apologia and NATO bootlicking you can see here.

It's a matter of scale. I will concede that I simpatize with the more leftist parts of the political spectrum, both marxists and anarchists, but I feel like at this point I would be grossed out at Lemmy even if I was 100% a liberal. Political disagreements are fine I guess, but the way they permeate the culture on Lemmy is weird, obsessive and unhealthy, and most importantly, it comes from a very small number of instances. And it's not the tankie ones.

[–] 21 points 1 week ago (19 children)

The thread about dragonfucker getting banned has been honestly very uncomfortable for me to go through. I don't know or particularly care about this user, nor do I know what drama drag's involved in, or how much of that is drag's fault. But I have read a significant amount of inexcusably transphobic assertions from a large number of users, many of them accusing drag of being a troll or even a disgrace to the transgender community for the unspeakably vile sin of having a neopronoun.

Like, I'm not attempting to defend drag here. People are saying that drag was probably banned for more reasons beyond screenshotting DMs, but when reading into the thread it seems to me that the only thing that everyone hates about drag is... that drag has a non-normative gender identity? And that's somehow making a joke of the transgender community? I mean, fill me in if you feel like it, but no amount of trolling or crimes drag has commited justifies the amount of ridiculing that this person has received on the basis of drag's gender identity on that thread. It does seem to me, as an external observer, that a large amount of users were eagerly awaiting for drag to have a less than ideal behavior for everyone to be immensely mean to drag and to claim "See? I always knew drag was just a troll! No one can possibly have a gender identity this far from what I'm comfortable tolerating!".

It's making me feel bad on baseline empathy alone, and neopronouns or non-binary genders aren't really an emotionally charged topic for me. I'm cis male, lol. But seeing the unimaginably hostile reaction many have had towards this user on the basis of drag's quirky pronoun, which literally does not hurt anybody, has made me very uncomfortable.

I have already been feeling uncomfortable on Lemmy, in general, because of this insane obsession users from certain instances have with tankies, and the disingenuity anything politics is treated because of that (and politics being such a prevalent topic on Lemmy is certainly not helping!). I don't like how, for example, I have seen orders of magnitude more people shitting on Hexbear trolls than actual Hexbear users trolling back when it was online. But Hexbear trolls, or tankies, or whatever, are an abstract group, that is not contingent on some intimately held aspect of yourself. This drama however is targeting a specific user, a single person, who belongs in an already excluded demography, and is probably still figuring things out about dragself. It's a whole new level of fucked up.

My mutuals from other sites, some of whom are leftists, and some of whom are trans, are wary of moving into the Fediverse and particularly Lemmy because of stuff like this. I have argued in favor of the Fediverse in the past because I'm a bit of a FOSS nut, but this I cannot defend against.

Anyway sorry for the rambling lol. The other thread made me feel bad enough on a gut level that I had to let it out. Also, for what it's worth, I have seen enough people with non-normative gender identities to trust that OP is not, in fact, a drag alt. Not that this being the case would change much about the recalcitrant transphobia.

[–] 3 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I check TV Tropes from time to time because it is useful to have a database with media tropes and to my experience it's mostly exhaustive.

But man, that site really irks me. I hate the overly casual, witty, irregular style that every page has while attempting to be funny, and I hate when they do incomplete hints at stuff (ex. "in some episode of show X" bruh, which episode??). For a wiki-style site, I'd really prefer the more neutral tone Wikipedia has.

And on a less important note, I also hate how the articles in TV Tropes pretend that the trope names are some sort of agreed consensus in the scientific community, when most of them are never referred to by those names outside of that site.

[–] 16 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Oh boy, I love telling this story.

So, back in 2013, I signed up for a now defunct local website, where I met this kid from Aragón. To respect his privacy, I'll call him S. There wasn't much going on at the time and eventually we grew apart.

Fast-forward to 2016, I move to Madrid to start college. In my first year class, there was this guy I'll refer to as L, a trans man from the Basque Country with really chaotic energy, who kept doing really cursed things for the sake of it. One morning he arrived at the class claiming that, the previous day, he cooked a few bean stew ice pops, and hid them across the campus. Obviously the people who found them weren't thrilled and, to no one's surprise, didn't eat them. So, at the end of the day, he picked up all of the bean stew ice pops, and shoved them off into the freezer at his rental flat.

Sadly, the next year, L moved to a different campus and to a different flat. Though he remained involved with a gamedev association at the same university.

Fast-forward to 2020, I'm almost done with my degree and the pandemic hits. My old friend S and I reconnect over Discord and tell each other about our lives, then share some funny memes. At some point we begin discussing cursed food, and S proceeds to tell me this: «I had a friend who went to Madrid for college, and when he first arrived at his rental flat, can you guess what he found in the freezer? bean stew ice popsicles».

What were the odds? How many flats in Madrid would have bean stew ice pops, of all things, in the freezer?

Bonus: S and I shared this story with a common friend, call her C. C stated that she wanted to greet L. After all, she was involved with the same gamedev association, and she did know of a trans guy from the Basque Country with that name and degree. But when C greeted him and told him about the ice pops, he had no idea what she was talking about.

It turned out to be a different trans guy from the Basque Country with the same name and degree that was also collaborating with the same association.