Hermit is great!
Right. When I wrote my comment I just took -15C winter temps as normal. That's cold. 0C is a warm day half of the year.
I believe it's a bug.
Jag tänker väl att nu när vi väl bestämt att vi ska gå med, så ska vi det, men det är absolut inte bråttom för Sverige i dagens läge. Sen är jag av åsikten att det finns människor med bättre insyn än jag, som arbetar med Sveriges säkerhet, som vet det bäst.
I still find it kind of unsettling, to be honest!
Yeah. When you're down into those temps you've got to keep your car starting in a multitude of different ways if it stays outside anyway. But generally, just starting and rolling out instantly could cause wear. I'd not really say it's anything to be worried about though.
"Active" is very inactive but "Hot" seems okay. It's a bit slow, too, but not entirely broken.
Jo, jag håller med. Jag har hela tiden varit väldigt fast vid att vi ska sitta lugnt i båten och vänta.
Indeed! It's a balancing act. It's good to wait a while right at start, but then it's better to go than wait on idle.
Grammar school, at this time of day? I say! It's not the 1900:s anymore.
When it's cold it can be beneficial to let the car idle for about 15 seconds before moving, to get the oils moving. They don't usually need much more than that, unless it's very cold of course.
Sounds like a YouTube channel run by a dude with a thick beard.