
joined 1 year ago
[–] idealium 9 points 1 year ago

Sure you can do these things in parking lots, but I expect most people would prefer a more pleasant and dignified space to perform recreational activities in if they were just as common and convenient to find as a parking lot.

[–] idealium 6 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I don't often interact with fan-bases for FOSS projects, instead as a developer I mostly interact with maintainers and contributors. Sometimes the maintainers are incredibly abrasive and belittling to issue contributors for seemingly no reason. When I observe this, it makes me think twice about opening a new issue under that project. In fact, at this moment I'm considering building my own alternative to a FOSS project for this exact reason!

Edit: I know this might seem like an extreme response, but I'm also looking for a good excuse for a side-project. Depending on the project it might be worth it to brace yourself against the bristles to try and reach common ground. It could be that the maintainer(s) don't even know that they're coming off a certain way. But YMMV.

[–] idealium 9 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Echoing the sentiments of everyone else in this thread. I wish you good fortune in discovering an actual friend to replace this loser.

[–] idealium 3 points 1 year ago
[–] idealium 1 points 1 year ago

Oh I mean, they certainly never invited us to take their eggs. But their pecks of protest were generally easy to ignore. 😅 The more vicious hens required more creative solutions.

[–] idealium 2 points 1 year ago

OP slice it open and show us what it looks like inside. We're dying to know what's going on in there!

[–] idealium 2 points 1 year ago

How do you think our ancestors figured out what is or isn't edible? I don't think they used Wikipedia.

[–] idealium 3 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I used to help raise and tend to chickens during my childhood. As adults chickens have an outer layer of stiff feathers on their wings and back which mainly function as protection against moisture and enhance mobility (fluttering, gliding, etc.), but beneath this layer there's a layer of very soft down feathers which offer insulation against the cold. It's best to feel how soft their down feathers are when they're chicks, as their stiffer feathers haven't grown in yet, but also if you spend a lot of time reaching under hens for their eggs you'll find that their undersides still have a lot of softer feathers for nesting purposes.


cross-posting for more reach as ! is a very small community (which you should absolutely subscribe to if you enjoy houseplants!):

I'm a newbie when it comes to indoor plants and I'm seeking some good books I can read to help me pick out new plants and learn new care techniques from. There are so many books on this topic, so I'd love to hear what y'all suggest before I make any decisions.

Websites are cool, but I need fewer excuses to look at screens, not more. :)


I'm a newbie when it comes to indoor plants and I'm seeking some good books I can read to help me pick out new plants and learn new care techniques from. There are so many books on this topic, so I'd love to hear what y'all suggest before I make any decisions.

Websites are cool, but I need fewer excuses to look at screens, not more. :)

[–] idealium 9 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I am quite sure I have ADHD (though not officially diagnosed), with that in mind here's my story.

There's a veritable cornucopia of programs and systems available to utilize when it comes to keeping digital notes, and none of them stick for me. I desperately want them to work, because I loathe writing things by hand due to hand cramps and poor penmanship. The thing I get hung up on a lot is getting comfortable in a certain software-based note-taking ecosystem and then running straight into a wall when I want it to do one particular thing I've identified as being useful, or perhaps the software just becomes unreliable for one reason or another. It's highly demotivating to me when I realize I've spent hours using something only for it to end up not working for me the way I wanted it to. Also, when I write digital notes, I have a very bad habit of editing, as if someone other than myself were to read my notes later (irrational, I know), so the process takes much longer than if I were to put the pen to paper.

The thing about pen and paper is, it just works. I might run out of paper or ink, but assuming I have access to more, I can write whatever and however I want. Sure, I don't get automation or full-text search "out of the box", but I can devise my own systems (short-hand, indexing, etc.) or borrow someone else's (Bullet Journal), even use external tools (scan document | OCR) to meet my needs when the time comes.

Right now I'm in the middle of building a habit of keeping a small journal on my person where I keep very simple remarks about my day and track personal tasks and events. I'm explicitly only using systems that I find useful and nearly effortless, but as I improve the habit I will try adding more complexity. I feel that if I can develop a solid core of analog writing, then it's likely I can begin to introduce more regular digital note-taking to augment this core practice.

I don't believe there is one method that works (or is even beneficial) for everyone, rather I think it's more important for individuals to find a method (or hybrid) that works for them, and stick to it.

[–] idealium 2 points 1 year ago

Happy user of AntennaPod here. It's beautiful, it's FOSS, and it Just Works™!

[–] idealium 2 points 1 year ago

I was digging through the comments for exactly this, thanks!

[–] idealium 4 points 1 year ago

Yeah, I've felt this at times, but games are meant to be fun and low stakes. If certain games make you feel this way I think it's worth reflecting on what about the game triggers this response. Perhaps there's a way to avoid that thing or reframe your thinking around it. Otherwise, there's no shame in not playing a game that makes you feel bad!

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