
joined 2 years ago
[–] fracture 2 points 4 days ago

i need to get like this echidna

[–] fracture 1 points 4 days ago

no recommendations but i just hopped back on HotS and share your sentiment haha

[–] fracture 1 points 5 days ago

what are you disagreeing with here exactly? it's transphobic and i left a respectful comment stating that as a warning for others and a request for better labeling going forward. do i need to justify my reaction to request that hatred be labeled? i don't appreciate being told i should just brush it off

i left the comment saying such because i think that hateful content should be marked as such, so that people can make informed decisions about if and when they interact with it. any given person may be able to handle such content on a good day or prefer to avoid it on another day. do you disagree that people should be given that choice?

like, i could talk about my individual reaction, but it's not really relevant to my making the post. i think that labeling content is fundamentally inclusive for everyone, because it's not just trans people who might be triggered by it. maybe a cis guy didn't feel like reading about how his fellow men are transphobic at that point in time, especially because he knows how bad society is and being reminded of it fucking sucks for him, too

this is not a controversial take, i genuinely don't understand why you're meeting it with such dismissiveness. this community literally has a rule against bigotry, i don't think asking it to be labeled is such a big deal

[–] fracture 1 points 5 days ago (2 children)

this is so obvious to me, i'm hesitant to believe you're engaging in good faith, but i will answer like that's true behind the below spoiler. i hope you can appreciate the fact that i have had to go re-expose myself to this transphobia to explain this to you

cw transphobia

a direct quote from "TJ SNIPES"

And I do believe some things are just objectively true, like: I am a man. It doesn’t really matter if someone wants to be called a man—that doesn’t change what you are. Sorry, that’s it. You weren’t assigned it by a doctor. You were assigned it by God.

if you don't understand why this is transphobic, idk what to tell you

there's also a later section from "AIDAN SILVA", which, while not explicitly transphobic, does blame losing the election on democrats going to bat for trans people, when they very much did not even go to bat for trans people. obviously, the democrats did a lot wrong during the election and also they didn't do anything right; i'm not here to argue that. but it's kind of shitty to blame us for that when the dems hung us out to dry (trans rights were not a core message of their platform and they really went out of their way to pretend we don't exist during the harris campaign). of course, this article was just asking some dudes what they think; they don't necessarily have the most informed opinion. it's just shitty and unpleasant to encounter, and i wish the article had acknowledged it in some way

[–] fracture 3 points 1 week ago (4 children)

i wish this article or the OP had given this a cw for transphobia, but we're here now, so i'm just being the change i want to see

[–] fracture 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

so you would rather be perceived as a gay man than a straight woman?

[–] fracture 3 points 1 week ago

yeah i've decided to leave this community based on essentially the same thing you've described. i mean i know people are shitters on the wider fediverse, but i figured the places beehaw federated with were at least decent

i guess not

also, the whole thing of "bot is obviously a drag alt" smacks of the same prejudiced "only one person could have a weird gender identity, it must be the same person"

could y'all please stick to talking about how someone behaves, not how they identify? it's not that fucking hard

[–] fracture 5 points 1 week ago

when ppl pretend to be a gender online because of comfort, it seems to me that they feel more comfortable as that gender

i would do some real reflection about this. you talk about gender dysphoria but you don't make any mention of gender euphoria. do you know what that is? it's the other set of traits to look for when considering if you're trans. one of those is feeling more comfortable in a given gender than your assigned gender at birth. another is feeling a sense of wholeness or happiness when picturing yourself with different sexual characteristics. sometimes that also presents as feeling sexually aroused when picturing yourself with those traits

why did you want to avoid being straight so badly?

i think online spaces are good places for exploring your gender identity and i don't really think it was wrong or disingenuous. you feel like it was, because it's pretend for you, but it's offering you a real sense of warmth and comfort, so i don't see an issue. obviously, please treat the trust that other people may grant you, given that label, with care. be a good person with it, and if they become close to you, consider explaining your situation to them, before misunderstandings can happen

identities are free to take and wear as you please. you don't owe anyone dysphoria or a desire to transition to be trans, or to be that identity everywhere at all times. it's just seems to me that you identify as a man/demiboy/etc online, and that's cool

[–] fracture 1 points 2 weeks ago

oh my fucking god i'm so pissed on your behalf, that's such bullshit!!!

[–] fracture 4 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

(also a rant, on a related but separate topic) holy FUCK along the same lines, i really hate it when people lurk in the parking lot waiting for someone to leave so they can park there! like wow, yeah, impede the flow of traffic and pressure the person leaving to hurry so YOU can have that space

i hate it so much, it makes navigating an already-packed grocery store even worse. the ppl at costco are SO bad about this 💀💀💀 just go park further away, you already have a minute long walk to the store, another minute won't kill you!!!

this is my personal bar for whether someone is a good person or not :)

(exception for anyone who legitimately needs the closer parking spots but cannot get the disability parking spots for whatever reason. but they are a TINY minority of people)

[–] fracture 4 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

not to discourage you or your boyfriend, but from what i know about voice training, pitch is only one piece of the overall puzzle among resonance, emphasis in parts of words, general cadence of speech, etc. the other things are, ofc, much harder to build tools about, so it's nice to build something to help with pitch, at least

i guess what i'm hoping to come out of this comment is just acknowledging that in this program, so that you don't get people early on in their transition going "i pass on your voice meter and not to any actual people wtf!!!!!" but i understand if that's also out of the scope of this project

[–] fracture 4 points 3 weeks ago

What he found was much more complicated. The leftist Parties—both Social Democrats and Communists—were unable to halt the spread of what he came to term the brown plague. He documents the sectarian and ideological operations of the respective parties, showing how the Communists acquiesced to the rise of the Nazi Party because they foolishly imagined that Nazi repression would mobilize the working class toward proletarian revolution. Many considered a Nazi regime a necessary step toward a socialist state, itself allegedly a step toward a stateless society.



see OP:

sorry for the delay on the writeup! life is pretty busy for me. that said, the bottom surgery consult went pretty well all around, i think

as a quick note, i've been presenting and on HRT for about 4.5 years, so i don't think about it much. but the requirements for getting metoidioplasty (or the consult, even) is to be on HRT for at least a (continuous) year and (maybe optionally?) presenting male for the same amount of time (i actually wasn't clear on this, they asked me, but i'm not sure if there was a strict minimum). they also required me to get two referral letters from qualified mental health professionals (thankfully, my therapist and psychiatrist were able to write these for me)

i got shown in and talked with the assistant, who basically broke down the surgery and went over the different customizable parts (e.g. you can get different kinds of meta, you can optionally get urethral lengthening, scrotoplasty, testicular implants, etc)

after that, dr. keith came in to chat with me. after that, i had to undress from the waist down. you'll have to be comfortable with a doc poking around your bits, but i would hope you are, if you're coming to let them slice them up and re-arrange them, too. during this, he pulled my mons pubis back to give an example of how things would look if he did a mons resection (said i might even need a revision, too 😭)

after that, i re-dressed and we went into his office, which had a big fancy leather couch, and talked about the anatomy of the AFAB clitoris and its blood supplies, as well as bemoaning the current state of both scientific studies on women and trans people. he showed me pictures of his work (very good) which spans both metoidioplasty to various degrees and phalloplasty

if i were to decide to get the metoidioplasty, they would schedule 3 months of topical testosterone to be applied to the gland of the clitoris every day, along with instructions to pump every day for those 3 months. it gives them more tissue to work with, according to the doctor. it's important to note that dr. keith is making you responsible for working with your current testosterone prescribing doctor to monitor your testosterone levels, because it will elevate them, and you will likely need to reduce your dosage to account for the topical testosterone

overall, it was a good and educational visit. i didn't learn TOO much, because i have done a lot of research ahead of time, but the things i did learn were very important:

  • urethral lengthening without vaginoplasty: in general, apparently urethral lengthening is, by far, the riskiest part of meta/phallo. dr. keith compared doing UL without vaginoplasty as akin to building a house on an unsteady foundation. he also cited something like a 60% complication rate from the other doctors who do UL without vaginoplasty. as mentioned in my OP, i'm not too keen on UL myself, due to a large typical ejaculation volume, so i'm not that hung up on it. although thinking about it now, i think i would potentially feel weirder about it, post-surgery, than i do now. well, i'll sort it out later...
  • phalloplasty following meta: dr. keith says this is totally fine. there'll be some extra scar tissue due to the meta, but it's not a problem. he also said that it's not his first choice to do meta and then phallo, like, if it's possible for you to settle on phallo first, it is a little better. but you can definitely do meta and then phallo
  • reduction of labia majora: totally possible, mons resection, might require a revision if you have a lot
  • HGH treatment: a complete no, it's not studied / proven in any way and it's not legal in the US. very understandable answer, but i did have to ask LOL
  • (not in the original post) ordering of hysterectomy and metoidioplasty: the order doesn't really matter, but the hysto is a big surgery, so if i did it first, i'd need to give it at least 3 months before getting the metoidioplasty. i didn't ask about the reverse order, but i think it would probably be similar
  • (not in the original post) insertion of a semi-rigid prosthesis in meta patients ( i found this after my original post, but apparently there are some docs that are doing meta with a semi-rigid prosthesis. if you don't know, the clitoral bodies are wrapped by the tunica albueinea, just like in the penis, but the clitoral tunica only has one layer (whereas the penial tunica has 2); so it's more difficult to get hard for trans men. so the insertion of a semi-rigid prosthesis is an appealing option to mitigate this. i asked dr. keith about this, and he mentioned that the device is being used and implanted successfully by doctors in europe. unfortuately, they're not seeking FDA approval in the US because it's expensive and the market share is too small, but i had the option to travel over there if it was something i wanted (and he would refer me, as well)
  • dr. keith also mentioned that there are similar devices which are FDA approved for cisgender men, so somewhat jokingly, i said that, if i got big enough, he would be able to put one of those in me. he said he has both never seen someone get that big (at least 4 inches) and that he's never implanted one himself, but it was at least FDA approved

so overall, a very good visit. the only thing i would want them to improve is to give their own pronouns before asking for yours. i get they're trying to be polite, but it feels a bit like asking for someone's name before you give your own, you know? but otherwise, i felt like they were very kind, professional, and knowledgeable about the whole process

as for whether or not i'm going to get surgery at this point, i think i'm gonna figure out how to go to south korea. i realized it's probably... not cheap but much more affordable if i just fly there and get the HGH, instead of flying there and getting the HGH and meta. i'm gonna call (at some point) and talk to them about it, get information about flying to south korea, see if the 2 week covid quarantine is still in effect, etc etc. if i do that, i will be sure to post here about how it goes, as well :)

hope this was informative and educational for everyone here about what your goals might be for the future!


hey y'all, i have my bottom surgery consult on tuesday, for metoidioplasty, specifically. at the moment, i'm not interested in pursuing phalloplasty, although i'm not taking it off the table entirely, it's for a later time

the doctor i will be consulting with is dr jonathan keith in new jersey

i wanted to give y'all the opportunity to post any questions you might have about it. i might be able to answer myself, but if not, i will try to ask the doctor as well

for full context, i don't expect to schedule the surgery coming out of this appointment.

  • i am going to ask about the potential of HGH treatment to improve bottom growth, as one clinic in south korea is pursuing (
  • i also plan to ask about options for reduction of the labia majora, because that's a big concern i have with my body, specifically
  • additionally, i will ask about how a theoretical phalloplasty following metoidioplasty would work
  • finally, i will also ask about urethral lengthening without vaginoplasty (my preferred option), although i expect the doc will confirm what the research says about the heightened risk of urethral fistula post surgery. i'm also not sure that it's something i'd want, as i think my typical ejaculation volume would be... inconvenient for sex, to say the least

also on my list, but not strictly about the surgery, is asking about the anatomy of the arterial structures that feed the clitoral cavernosum bodies (i know their penial analogues and can find decent diagrams, but finding the equivalent clitoral diagrams is challenging)

i will write a follow up post with this information, as well as my general experience at the appointment, after it happens on tuesday (probably wed or thurs)


i got top surgery (double mastectomy) like 3.5 years ago now. i stuck to massaging my scars because i didn't actually want to reduce the appearance of my scars (idk why i was worried about this, they're fucking massive LOL). i was more concerned with blood flow / nerve functionality than appearance

however, that was 3.5 years ago and, due to some unrelated scarring (i scar like a mfer (i keloid a lot)), i got recommended to get some silicone tape, so i was like, what the hell, i'll put it on my top scars too

i also got nipple grafts, so i've been putting it on the edges of my nipples as well (i've noticed they're scarred quite badly on the outside)

note that my skin seems to be allergic to the glue in standard adhesives, so i've actually been using silicone gel, just applied topically twice a day, instead of silicone tape / strips (i'm also using a lot, so it would be a lot of tape to put on / take off / clean every day... the gel you just wash off)

it's a really good excuse to be shirtless more often during the day, and the results have been pretty promising thus far, 2 weeks in. my scars already feel a lot softer. i think the gel has also been helping things get cleaned out... my scars have been a little prickly and itchy, which is generally a good sign for that happening. so you might consider it for helping restore your blood flow / nerve functionality as well

also cool that it's still working after this many years... i guess 3.5 years is a lot to some people, but not a lot in the absolute scale of things

just something for y'all to think about. i've heard it does help reduce the appearance of scars, if that's something you want (i think they look badass, so i'm tryina show em off)

for the science of how this works, from what i've found, we can consistently reproduce the effects of softening / reducing scars, but we have no actual idea how it works LOL. so that's kind of interesting

have you gotten top surgery? what kind, and did / do you use silicone for treating the scars? if you haven't gotten top surgery, is this something you'd want to do?

(additional note: i'm not sure how long you need to wait after getting top surgery to apply the silicone tape/gel, but i would check w/ your doc and wait till they're fully healed at the very least)


when it gets difficult to get gel out of the pump, i was tossing the bottle. but because of laziness, i left an old bottle for a day, and i noticed that it actually can generate enough pressure to pump more testosterone since i had left it alone for that long

so if you keep your low bottles of testosterone gel, you can get one pump out of them per day for longer than you might think they're empty, and extend the lifespan of your testosterone gel for a little while

*dependent on if your testosterone gel bottles work the same as mine

obligatory reminder that gel is just as good as injected :)

ace rule (
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