
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 5 months ago

You are right! English is not my first language and I thought I was talking about the pads. My bad! Yours is the best way!

[–] 10 points 5 months ago (2 children)

AFAIK the system goes back to the old Babylonians who had a base-60 system subdivided into 5 times 12. 5 times 12 could easily be counted using your thumb to count the 12 knuckles on the other fingers and the 5 fingers of the other hand.

I mean, how amazing is counting like that! I only learned to count to 10 with my fingers. I love the base-10 for its simplicity but base-60, subbase-12 is the shit :D

[–] 18 points 5 months ago (5 children)

I hate the idea of metric time (for a lot of use cases metric is still awesome).

12 and 60 can be easily divided by 2, 3, 4, 6. 60 also by 5 and 10. Even for 8 it's still kind of easy.

For 10 or 100 division is easy for 2, 5 and 10 and okay-ish for 4.

The 12/60 (and 360 degrees of a circle) are such an elegant system!

[–] 50 points 5 months ago (1 children)

20 years ago I was injured in one eye. Without an operation it would have left me going slowly blind. The operation was invented maybe 20 years earlier.

Both my eyes had a cataract at a quite early age. Artificial lenses where invented AFAIK 50 years ago. The new lenses even correct my shortsightedness and astigmatism!

So if I had lived only 50 years earlier I would be blind on one eye and quite possibly without a lense or at least seeing really foggy on the other. Now I am sitting here with - 0.5/-1 and otherwise great eye sight.

There are no words how grateful I am for the wonders of modern eye medicine.

[–] 18 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

"[...] präzisieren die Linken, Grünen, die SPD, FDP und die Klimafraktion im Stadtrat ihre Forderung und weisen die Rheinbahn gegen die Stimmen von CDU und AfD an, künftig auf Strafanzeigen zu verzichten."

Bei all den Grautönen in der Bewertung lässt sich die (politische) Welt manchmal ganz einfach in gut und böse unterteilen.

[–] 3 points 5 months ago (1 children) is a great service for migrating libraries.

[–] 67 points 5 months ago (2 children)
[–] 14 points 6 months ago

Die anderen Verkehrsteilnehmer*innen sind mitunter mehr verwirrt als Södy beim Gendern.

[–] 3 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Hmmmm, die ist auch an der Schule hier im Ort gerade. Ist das so ein gesamtdeutsches Ding gerade oder wohnst nahe München?

[–] 17 points 6 months ago (2 children)

Aus Interesse und aktuellem Anlass: wird Öko-Terrorismus eigentlich automatisch dem linken Spektrum zugeordnet? Oder muss das zusätzlich hervorgehen, dass es auch links war?

[–] 70 points 6 months ago (18 children)

Linke: Gewalt gegen Sachen.

Rechte: Gewalt gegen Personen.

Ratet mal, was die Politik scheinbar schlimmer findet. So deutlich habe ich die Faeser jedenfalls bei keinem rechten Übergriff reden hören.


Re: Zensus 2.0

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