Seems to work very nicely and it's much more responsive than transmission. Great, thanks!
I'll give it a go! Is there a GUI for it? I like to sometimes check the progress live and transmission provides that out of the box.
Started contributing to , mainly refactoring but also helping with new features.
Got in touch with ProtonVPN support and asked about this. Here's their reply:
Our engineers have conducted a thorough analysis of this threat, reconstructed it experimentally, and tested it on Proton VPN.
We concluded that:
- The attack can only be carried out if the local network itself is compromised
- Our Windows and Android apps are protected against it
- For iOS and macOS apps, you are completely protected from this as long as you're using a Kill Switch and a WireGuard-based protocol (our apps use them by default, and if a user wants to use something other than WireGuard derivates, they'd have to manually set it up). Note that Stealth, WireGuard TCP and Smart protocol on iOS/macOS are all WireGuard-based.
- For our Linux app, we're working on a fix that would provide full protection against it.
I rock a full size realforce r2 at work AND and home because I feel more productive with a keypad and other helper keys. It's less mental overhead. I'm not using the mouse much when I type (modal editor)
Reimplements in C
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Can we get image upload back?
Interesting, I just see an error that says : "The server returned an error" with the message "invalid json response body". The link opens in the browser because it's not a mention but a https link ig
Can't you just create a new account on ygg when you reach your quota? Or ratiomaster
It's pretty nice. It's just a very simple front that will add a series or movie to radarr or sonarr. Not great for discovering new stuff but the search works well to find stuff you're looking for. No complaints from my side!
Thanks for all the suggestions! I switched to qbittorrent and it works nicely for now. The web ui is fine for the little I use it so all good! I'll report if something starts failing again which would indicate another issue with me setup.