So do I, and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
Hey, that's a legitimate word... for particle physics.
Yeah, it's pronounced ['krapfə']. Written something like Krapfo.
Dauerhaft Sommerzeit nacht atronomisch keinen Sinn... Winterzeit iat die 'wahre' Zeit bei der die Sonne um 12:00 am Zenit steht. Lieber die Regelarbeitszeiten an diese anpassen.
There is an 'adequately' missing. It somewhat counters the excuse of malice.
If you can't adequately attribute it to stupidity it has to be malice (or at least negligence).
Too young for a PC? My daughter got my old components with 8 years. Now with 10 years, playing Veloren, Minetest, Terraria and LotRO with me at her side on it...
So wie: Das Geld fehlt woanders?
Die Nachfahren der ursprünglichen jüdischen Bewohner der Region sind die heutigen jüdischen Gemeinden in aller Welt ALS AUCH die muslimischen Araber. Religionszugehörigkeit hat hier keinen Stellenwert mehr wenn in der Zeit sogar zwei Weltreligionen aus dem ursprünglichen Judentum entstanden sind. Ich hätte — als ehemaliger Christ — in der Hinsicht vermutlich genau so viel Recht dort zu leben.
Zu dem ist das ursprüngliche Großkönigreich Israel eine übertriebene Darstellung der biblischen Überlieferung.
And neither of current israelis, so why are they granted a Israel and the others no Palestine?
Its interesting they use "most recent generation of turbines" but don't do that on nuclear. Also WISE is not a credible source. It's an anti-nuclear organisation with guys like Mycle Schneider on board.
Which source says 117g/kWh for nuclear? IPCC 2014 says 12g, UNECE 2020 about 5.1g (for EU28 nuclear).
"total lifetime emissions for nuclear vs. renewables"
I looked it up. IPCC (2014) says nuclear is at 12g CO2eq/kWh. Only wind is lower at 11g. UNECE (2020) has nuclear at 5.1g. No other source gets closer.
Your wikipedia link at the end saos lower austria has as 100% renewable electricity. First that's a bold claim by the premier of the region, considering they have 3 active natural gas plants there. It's power used, yes. It should be power produced. Austria is always proud to not own nuclear plants they sure use much of the nuclear power produced in czechia.
What happened exactly at Tiananmen Square? You have some good sources?
E: Yeah, i get it. "Look it up! Everyone knows!" I did, and I'd like some sources on the claims everyone thinks that happened. Most media outlets call it massacre but forget to put numbers, reasons and sources in the articles. What do YOU think what happened? What did YOU hear/read? What was the reason for the protest and what was the reason for the escalation?