
joined 1 year ago
[–] 6 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

I think the Last of Us demonstrates the difference between writing a story around the character vs the sort of crap in other shows where inclusivity is more like a box ticking exercise and a casting quota.

[–] 3 points 8 months ago

I suspect Breivik would have been allowed to meet more people, and increased interactions with other prisoners if he showed any kind of remorse or repentance for his crimes. But since he doesn't, and uses these lawsuits to advance his cause, it's no wonder that Norwegian authorities have chosen to limit his interactions to the absolute legal minimum because screw him.

[–] 2 points 8 months ago

Sadly for him he committed his crimes in a country without the death penalty. So he gets everything the state can throw at him for the rest of his life. I still think that a regular life prisoner in a US prison would envy his treatment compared to theirs.

[–] 16 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (2 children)

Breivik is the sort of murderer, where there is absolutely zero doubt about his guilt, where the crimes themselves are heinous, and where he should never see the outside of a jail cell ever. If Norway had voted to throw him down a mineshaft, or imprison him in a windowless cell where he was fed slops for the rest of his life I couldn't care less.

But Norway isn't like that and he is being treated exceptionally well by any standard for his category of offence. His pathetic narcissistic legal whining to the courts will go nowhere and he'll stew in prison for as long as they can legally hold him. I think authorities would be relieved if he made good on his threats since it spares them the concern of what happens if he is eventually released.

[–] 0 points 9 months ago

I actually got off my arse and did some productive programming over the Christmas break. Spent too long vegetating in front of the computer watching YouTube vids or playing games.

[–] 2 points 9 months ago

I bet she's so popular she has to check under her car every morning in case someone has left her a present.

[–] 9 points 10 months ago

I live in Europe where trucks are fairly rare but you still see large SUVs, 4x4s and vans around. My own feeling is that certain classes of vehicles should be considered commercial for the purposes of insurance, taxation, VAT, inspection, tolls, permitted usage and everything else. The legislation already exists for commercial vehicles so extend it to these kind of vehicles.

So is someone must have a stupidly oversized vehicle purely for personal reasons they can enjoy all the bullshit and restrictions that goes with it. Doesn't stop them complying but making it more onerous to do it will take demand for these vehicles off the market entirely.

[–] 6 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Well obviously less vehicles of any kind would be a benefit. Cities designed around people with public transport options would always beat out a society where everyone has a car. I think there is more push on this in Europe than the US, where outside of the big cities public transport is virtually non-existent. Urban planning should emphasis central districts to create transport hubs where people eat / work / shop and therefore demand to make public transport. And outside of that cycle routes, footpaths etc.

But electric vehicles are still much better than ICE vehicles. Over their life time they account for 1/4 emissions (depending on how power is generated) and those emissions can be more effectively captured. And of course renewables bring the emissions down year on year. There is a direct correlation between NOx emissions and respiratory deaths so this is a good thing. Also less CO2 emissions and contribution to global warming. Also, particulates are much less - brakes are not the primary source of deceleration in an EV (regen is) so pads don't see anything like as much use as an ICE car. Some EVs are even going back to using drum brakes where the dust is basically captured inside an enclosed drum. The tyres also aren't any worse or faster wearing than ICE vehicles so in that regard it's even.

[–] 1 points 11 months ago

Yes, or cycle / walk.

[–] 6 points 11 months ago (2 children)

Cities should be built around people, not motor vehicles.

[–] 3 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I think if you know Rust then I think Rust + async is going to perform better and consume less resources than NodeJS by a LOT. It should also work more reliably on embedded devices, or even docker containers because memory isn't going up and down like a yoyo because of GC.

That said NodeJS is more immediate and might lend itself to better prototyping / RAD and you might not care enough about performance to justify using a compiled language. A lot of web servers aren't doing enough that you would even notice a difference in performance.

Another reason for Rust might also be because it's more energy efficient. I wish Amazon and other cloud services would put a heavier cost penalty on efficiency. I wonder how many cloud web apps are running bloated stacks to serve up content which could be done with a fraction of the energy.

[–] 7 points 11 months ago (1 children)

I still use Twitter but I think honestly that I could live without it and I reckon most other people could too. It's just force of habit more than anything else. Mastodon, or Threads, or Blue Sky would all be quite happy to pick up the slack. I actually use Mastodon too but I wish the news media would produce feeds for it rather than rely on mirrors.

The place has become a cesspool tbh and with no moderation it only gets worse with each passing day. Blue ticks actually pay to elevate their moronic hate views above others so more moderate and normal voices get drowned out. Musk is mulling charging everyone money to "combat bots" (bullshit), and mulling pulling out of the EU because of their pesky requirements about moderation. I wish he'd do all this stuff and bring the whole thing crashing down.

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