Belt and Road Initiative, China owning most of the cobalt reserves and refining resources that oftentimes rely on enslaved child labor, anti-Black discrimination inside Chinese enclaves in Africa (1) (2), mandating Mandarin in Ugandan schools, with Kenya and South Africa making it optional
joined 1 month ago
the future of neo-colonialism? definitely
didn't the current round of bird flu start because Biden refused to implement public health?
isn't it ironic how the quote you cited is exactly what happens every single time MLs take power? you're only antifascists until it's time to criticize red fascism
I'm really glad to hear that in classic ML fashion, you know better than Ugandans themselves what does or doesn't constitute colonialism. I recommend actually watching the TikTok video from the Ugandan activist I linked you that already explains how Mandarin is erasing indigenous languages in favor of facilitating Chinese exploitation of local resources.
Believe it or not, Spanish is also a colonial language. It's pretty well known in any history book that it was used to enact cultural genocide on indigenous people all across Turtle Island. Indigenous people in Latin America have the "choice" of assimilating into Spanish culture or face poverty, starvation and genocide by white Latinos.
lmao imagine unironically linking the qiao collective, the mouthpiece of the CCP, as a credible source. I was wondering how long until the .ml brainwashing chip activates 🤭
here's an even quicker read: