Words can have multiple meanings - it might be best to find one that doesn't have the same baggage that conservative has, such as "risk-averse"
Browser fingerprints are easy enough to block or mimic, though, at least for the solutions I've messed with. JavaScript based solutions in particular are tricky because of the privacy implications and the fact that decent privacy focused browsers are starting to block those things automatically.
I'm honestly just waiting to see when they decide to go after /r/Formula1.
I just got tired of searching for one and decided to pull the trigger. :)
Anyone else want to help mod? I have no idea what I'm doing, lol.
I have great internet (woo, Allo!) and cost of living is pretty cheap. I'm a simple gal with simple needs - internet, food, shelter, and not so many people that I want to pull my hair out all the time. Lincoln is a decent balance of enough people to have conveniences like good food and niche stores, without too much traffic and annoyance.
Hello, I'm a_statistician. I'm a stat professor at a midwestern US R1 who does data visualization and perception research and teaches statistical computing.
How? It will just make it extremely expensive for people to host instances, and ensure that it's hard to find content on other platforms to link to.