
joined 1 year ago
[–] Xavier@lemmy.ca 4 points 6 months ago

Great list. In my area, I only need to avoid Maxi and Provigo.

There are so many small "dépanneurs" and specialty grocery stores.

They all have amaizing deals on their niche products:

  • rice, lentils, dehydrated beans, spices, chili, bitter gourd >>>> indian store
  • rice, sauces, noodles, mushroom, fish/seafood, daikon >>>> asian store
  • beans, spices, coconut, plantain, okra, eddo leaf >>>> jamaican store
  • arabic, latin american, senegalese, etc. grocery stores in addition to bakeries, fish mongers, butcher shops, etc.

Every speciaty store has their own fresh produces from typical fruits and vegetables we see everywhere to uniques ones found nowhere else.

[–] Xavier@lemmy.ca 15 points 7 months ago (7 children)

This is beautifully familiar.

Am I seeing too many similarities between how Twitter/X was taken over and singlehandedly being irreversibly ruined?

While Windows is stubbornly becoming increasingly user-adversarial (advertising, constant intrusive updates, forced transition from your favorite browser to Microsoft Edge, etc.) and unintuitive (sometimes even counter intuitive) interface design, placement and inaccessible settings.

Well, delighting in schadenfreude, I won't complain. Microsoft is inadvertently helping me help transition many friends, family and colleagues to various flavors of Linux systems, namely Linux Mint (whichever desktop they prefer) and/or Pop!OS most of the time, but also occasionally Fedora or a particular flavor of Ubuntu.

I never recommend Arch or rolling release systems or immutable systems to first time Linux user so as to preemptively avoid additional layers of complexity, learning curve, downtime and troubleshooting.

[–] Xavier@lemmy.ca 2 points 8 months ago (1 children)

I just had a shower thought, probably dumb and I am tired, but how about pipes to deliver regular liquids/fluids? 🤔

I think I read somewhere in Germany brewery would have pipes to bars delivering a continuous supply of beer.

Now let's do that with ultrafiltered and/or ultra-high-temperature milk (less prone to spoiling).

How about adding pipes for beer (or some other alcohol or wine), cooking oil (whichever most suitable), and any other frequently used liquid I forgot?

If spoilage is well controlled, would that be a less energy intensive distribution method?

[–] Xavier@lemmy.ca 1 points 8 months ago

Ah, I suppose it's TOTP/HOTP or HMAC challenge.

I am waiting for FIDO2 to work between keepassxc and yubikey. 🥳

[–] Xavier@lemmy.ca 6 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Hmm… I may be mistaken but can they not already arrest troublemakers, arsonists, violent/aggressive individuals and other sort of rioters/agitators with preexisting laws/bylaws/regulations ?

On the other hand, I'm trying to see the silver lining here… perhaps this new law will make it difficult for agent provocateur¹ from operating without repercussions and anonymity unless the law specifically has a carve out for them (I wouldn't be too surprised, but it would be another major blow to the resiliency of democracy in the United Kingdom).

Source: Pentney, K. (2021). Licensed to kill…discourse? agents provocateurs and a purposive right to freedom of expression. Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights, 39(3), 241-257

[–] Xavier@lemmy.ca 19 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Man… I never complained about Winter, I actually love everything about it; the cold, the wind, the hoarfrost, the blizzards, the ice storms, the freezing rain, even the brown slush on the road. However, nowadays snowfalls have become thinner and thinner or even just raining instead and melting away whatever little snow had accumulated. It's sad.

On the other hand, Summer, I turn into a lazy Grinch that avoids the heat and the Sun as if I was a human snowman.

Everytime I see that graph, beyond the constant reminder of the hyperobject that is Climate Change, I am anticipating the dread of a even more scorching summer on its way in a few more months. On top of that, I also have take forest fires in consideration and prepare air filters and/or n100/n95 masks and replacement cartridges for myself, family and older relatives.

It is sad to see we still, all considered, have not yet even begun to lower emissions and will probably continue to argue over keeping the status quo for as long as possible until maybe, unfortunately, entire cities are regularly assailed by amplified natural and man-made disasters in back-to-back sequence and until everyone is affected directly or indirectly by those irreversible damages.

(Reposting my same reply to an identical post as this one regarding daily sea surface temperature; you can check my post history)

[–] Xavier@lemmy.ca 3 points 9 months ago

Man… I never complained about Winter, I actually love everything about it; the cold, the wind, the hoarfrost, the blizzards, the ice storms, the freezing rain, even the brown slush on the road. However, nowadays snowfalls have become thinner and thinner or even just raining instead and melting away whatever little snow had accumulated. It's sad.

On the other hand, Summer, I turn into a lazy Grinch that avoids the heat and the Sun as if I was a human snowman.

Everytime I see that graph, beyond the constant reminder of the hyperobject that is Climate Change, I am anticipating the dread of a even more scorching summer on its way in a few more months. On top of that, I also have take forest fires in consideration and prepare air filters and/or n100/n95 masks and replacement cartridges for myself, family and older relatives.

It is sad to see we still, all considered, have not yet even begun to lower emissions and will probably continue to argue over keeping the status quo for as long as possible until maybe, unfortunately, entire cities are regularly assailed by natural disaster in back-to-back sequence and until everyone is affected directly or indirectly by those irreversible damages.

[–] Xavier@lemmy.ca 23 points 9 months ago

The essential part at the end:

“ When reached for comment, Reddit spokesperson Tim Rathschmidt directed me to Reddit's API FAQ page and said the company couldn't comment further because it's in a quiet period and doesn't "comment on confidential business conversations and/or agreements." ”

We can infer that it was not the fountain of money they thought it would become. Hence, all the special exception for leftover third-party apps to not abandon a leaking ship.

More telling is their silence. Who doesn't want to promote and advertise how profitable they are to potential shareholders just before an IPO.

[–] Xavier@lemmy.ca 47 points 9 months ago (2 children)

The essential part at the end:

“ When reached for comment, Reddit spokesperson Tim Rathschmidt directed me to Reddit's API FAQ page and said the company couldn't comment further because it's in a quiet period and doesn't "comment on confidential business conversations and/or agreements." ”

We can infer that it was not the fountain of money they thought it would become.

More telling is their silence. Who doesn't want to promote and advertise how profitable they are to potential shareholders just before an IPO.

[–] Xavier@lemmy.ca 3 points 9 months ago

Des idiots finis.

Qui s'occupera d'eux ou de leur parents à un âge avancé si c'est médicalement requis de les placer en CHSLD?

Ah c'est vrai, comme dans toutes religions, ils y en a qui sont trop occupé à étudier leur seul livre (/s) et essayer de trouver des excuses pour imposer leur volonté (personnelles).

C'est-tu si difficile d'admettre simplement que cela nous tente pas (ou simplement qu'on n'est pas confortables de prendre soin de personnes si fragile)? Pourquoi impliquer la religion?

Je préfère que se soit des individus qui se sentent capable de faire le métier ou qui osent demander de l'aide pour bien apprendre le métier dans les règles de l'art.

À chacun ses forces, ses faiblesses et ses ambitions/rêves. Bien sûr, on ne demandera pas à un pompier de contruire un avion, un ingénieur de représenter quelqu'un au tribunal, un enfant d'opérer la tour de contrôle d'un aéroport ou un programmeur informatique de piloter un navire de guerre.

Chacun grandit et acquiert des expériences selon leur décisions/réussites/erreurs/regrets ainsi que leur désirs/ambitions/rêves.

[–] Xavier@lemmy.ca 3 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Il y a plusieurs zones grises que je ne comprend pas ou que je trouve louche (par exemple, Northvolt a payée le terrain une somme faramineuse bien au delà de la valeur du terrain au propriétaire précédent).

La bousculade d'implanter Northvolt sans études ou évaluations d'impacts semblent être d'une témérité inédite après les aventures du troisième lien qui ne cessait de se tranformer ou de disparaître™ ou revenir de son cercueil «définitif».

Je suis pour un projet d'usine de batteries, mais j'aurai et j'ose espérer que se soit fait avec la rigueur qu'un tel projet d'avenir mérite.

Le stade olympique de Montréal était aussi un «projet d'avenir» mais c'est devenu un désastre qui requiert des rénovations sans fin et les coût n'ont toujours pas finit d'être payé par les citoyen (je ne suis pas sûr si çà l'est encore depuis quelques dernières années).

De plus, la production d'électricité privés pour les «voisins» est une autre idée sortie d'ont ne sait où et sans vraiment évaluer les conséquences.

[–] Xavier@lemmy.ca 19 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (1 children)

Unfortunately, the solutions are fairly easy but it would be political suicide for anyone who would even dare to actually propose anything that would ruffle the feathers of the vested interests, the powerful or (God forbid /s) the wealthiest 10%, or the "untouchable" 0.1%.

Simplify/Regularize the tax code by eliminating all ambiguity :

  • by removing exceptions and loopholes for corporation and individuals (it only helps the wealthy with "top gun" accountants to "legally" avoid/reduce taxes).
  • pre-filled tax declaration should be expanded or made automatic for every individuals with simple tax situations (they should not be worrying about taxes and tax credits when their income in lower than a inflation indexed preset treshold)
  • make everyone's tax information public or accessible for every citizens similar to Tax transparency in Finland (PDF) it helps prevent/detect/reduce social inequalities and keep every one accountable toward each others
  • exclude tax filling softwares and companies whom have vested interest in making tax declarations as complex and as unintelligible as possible by lobbying government
  • increase financing and auditing of Canada Revenue Agency to help better pursue, prosecute and recover wealth hidden in tax Havens, or create a new separate branch of the CRA tasked exclusively to handle corporate tax shenanigans/evasion and deep pocketed individuals

This is a partial, but relevant, copy of one of my previous post (check my post history for the original long post).

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