The issue I have with Christian Deism is that I wonder why they even bother continuing to include a god in their belief system. It seems like the whole point is that the world operates as if god didn't exist. Why keep him in the picture at all? He doesn't affect anything. Interacting with the world "through humans" is indistinguishable from not interacting with the world at all (by every metric except who gets credit for helping the people in need).
It just feels to me like the nicotine patch of religions; one of the last steps involved in weaning oneself off of theism altogether. They can still claim the societal benefits and privilege of saying they're Christian (and not feel like a dirty liar while they do it) without actually interfacing with a theistic philosophy.
Because there's no evidence.
"65% of all the eligible voters in Florida were prevented from voting due to direct governmental interference and extreme voter suppression" is a fantastic claim. One might even call it an extraordinary claim. One for which I would expect to see some fairly extraordinary evidence. I can't just wake up in the morning and decide to believe something because it fits with my preconceived biases, especially not something directly involving almost 14 million people.
Are you actually expecting me to believe that 14 million people tried to show up at the polls and were turned away, without any evidence whatsoever? That's a Q-level conspiracy.