
joined 2 years ago


I was PMing a student project for NASA and the sheer number of tabs and files I had open on my PC killed Windows.

I had a week until the deadline and I'm in a situation where things may or may not save, basic functionality was questionable and I had literally thousands of pages information to format and get out.

Once I turned it in I installed Linux and never looked back.

Wood cutting boards are two to five times the price of bamboo. Also bamboo is naturally anti-microbial.

Most houses already have dull knives, heck most people throw their knives in the dishwasher. There is no way to keep your knives sharp perpetually, resharpening will always be needed eventually.

I'd rather people focused on size and weight over material. A bigger board is more useful, and safer as you have room to place your hands and your food. A heavier board is safer as it won't slide as easily.

If you like how the board looks you are more likely to keep it out, use it and clean it.

Buy the biggest, heaviest, prettiest board you can afford.

The test I have is if my players would call BS on an NPC doing that to them.

Drowning a PC a turn using a cantrip? That's BS and every player knows it.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I disliked Avatar in theaters, but chalked it up to wearing glasses and seeing it in 3D. I figured with the colors desaturated and the uncomfortable double glasses set up that I just made a poor choice of format.

About 4 years ago I decided to rewatch Avatar at home without the 3D gimmick.

It was worse. Everyone acts in ways that seem to serve the plot not their motivations. The heroes were all devoid of personality and a rigid unsmiling caricature of duty and honor that there was nothing likeable about them. Jake Sully has no personality other than being mystified by the world. The tall smurfs just stare longingly, tell Jake he's dumb and sigh about the importance of the Earth.

The villains were so over the top on their moustache twirling I liked their bravado so much more than the heroes. After an hour of Smurfs telling us trees are very important in a condescending way, I wasn't against blowing up a tree.

The battle at the end made no sense. Why the space faring race didn't just drop a some rocks on the site is baffling to me. Why didn't they use their range and technology advantage? They just ran as close as possible to people with spears.

I think it's just a little too heavy handed for me, and feels like many aspects of the plot weren't thought out.

That was aggressively awful.

[–] 7 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I may have missed some steps but I recall reddit removing and replacing mods of many subs.

It doesn't matter, because the damage is done. Small communities aren't what they used to be and the big subreddits are even lower quality.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I think strawberry pop tarts have less frosting than all other flavors.

It's petty and small, but every time I have a strawberry pop tart the frosting is so thin that the holes on the top are clear through the frosting. No other flavor has this problem. I don't think it matters, but it feels like a conspiracy.

[–] 53 points 1 year ago (6 children)

What would you prefer the school do?

How could they motivate you to actually pay attention in class instead of playing with your phone? Honestly ask yourself if this "addressing motivation" would make geometry more interesting than tiktok.

[–] 15 points 1 year ago (2 children)

There are several jobs that are frequently mentioned in discussions like this that are actually thanked all of them time.

Nurses, teachers, fire, EMTs and police are always mentioned. They are hard jobs and mostly under paid. However they are constantly thanked, businesses give discounts and commercials and politicians thank them endlessly.

Grocery store workers, butchers, plumbers, electricians, custodians, truck drivers and most "menial jobs" are completely thankless. Think of the last time you saw a 10% off for nurses and if you've ever seen 10% off for overnight stockers.

I initially hated the idea, but if it's possible to hit crazy benchmarks without trains then it gives a new way of reaching mega base.

Also it can limit the reliance on blueprints. There is something satisfying about pasting a big block, but it gets repetitive when you are pasting your 8th green circuit block.

I love that episode.

And the moral of "I can get stuff just by asking for it!" Is a real lesson.

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