Maybe it's just how things turned out for me, but when I was younger my brain and body were stronger but things were situationally pretty bad until I got to college. Now that I'm around 30, situationally my life couldn't be better, but exercising doesn't feel good any more so it's a chore, the world is on fire just like I was warned it would be as a child, I don't have the drive to learn any more, and it feels so unfair that I don't get to experience the life I have the way I imagined because getting here took too much out of me. But hey, at least it's not bad. Maybe there's hope I "get better".
I think healthy aging is beautiful, but I don't think most people age healthy. If my wrinkles are based on the first 25 years of my life, they're going to show frustration and exhaustion. I hope your winkles do show you've lived a life of joy though. Keep up with exercise and healthy eating, that's more than half the battle
It's dark on my desktop, wonder if it follows system or browser theme